SHoUt iT FrOm ThE RoOf TopS!
We HaNg on the WoRdS of many in oUr TiMe for our NeXt trend or CoUrSe of action. We look to Wall StrEEt and other prOfeSSionals for the DiReCtiOn and value of oUr economy, FinaNCes, and rEal eStAte. We place LaRgE weight on tHe President’s speeches for the FuTuRe of our country aNd to the Department oF Defense for PrEdiCtiONs on wars. We HaNG on for the aNNounCeMent of the nExT economic stimulus check to ArRivE in our mailboxes, CaR rebate or special LoW interest rate loan ModiFiCAtiOn program. We wAiT with bated bReAtH for aNNual fAshiOn sHows for the LaTesT trends in cLoTHinG and tHe cOlOrs of the next SeAsOn. We use our hard earned CaSh to sEll oUt magazines for the AnNoUnCemEntS of the most beAuTiful peOple. We cLeAr our calendars to Sit and EaT muNcHies as the PrEttY StArS fill oUr tElEviSion screeNs while aWard shows announce ToP hOnOrs in movies, music and tElEviSion series. We sit for HoUrS On End at oUr computers and laptops CoNNectEd to the InTeRnEt to see what online VidEos are being WaTcHeD and what mUsic will bE released tHis WeEk. We closely FoLLoW radio prograMMing to LiSteN for the nExT music celebrity song so that we can WiN TicKeTS for a sought after cOncert. WhErE in all this HoOpLa, we call LiFE, is our ExCiTeMeNt over where wE wiLL gO when iT’s aLL oVeR? How aRe we preparing DaiLy for the most iMpORtaNt TiMe in our lives to cOmE? MOrE importantly, wHoSe WoRdS will we HaNg on to when man’s FaBriCaTiOnS will matter no MoRe?
OnE dAy all the inveNtions, eVents, and TechNolOGy will have no EffEct on our LiVes. Our “bEiNg” will end one day SoON, much later in LiFe, suddenly without NoTiCe, or sLoWLy over time. We should EnJoY the present, of course, but be iNteLLigEnt, LiVE Smart, leave rOOm for the really ReAllY important MaTTerS that mAttER.
How do you fEEl about ineViTable DeAtH? Does it sound DiRe to you? StOp! NO! It’s nOt! PLeaSE, rEaLLy iT’S oKAy! You WoULnDn’T feel like tHaT if you KnEW and HaD aN iNkLiNg of what is WaiTiNG for yOu in GOD’s KiNgDoM.
Do yOu reMeMbEr JESUS? He DiEd and went to HeAvEn for . . . US!!!! (hello – our DeStiNy- your dEStiNy - you’re getting this right?) God’s is wAiTiNg for yOu to do your HoMEwoRk on the HistORy of your FaiTH (uhhh the BiBLe – available in soFt bAck, haRdbAck and inTerNet - jUsT SaYiNg). Spend TiMe each day getting HyPeD uP about YoUr FaiTh and yOur InHeRiTaNcE (no - not mOnEy – perHAps you should lOOk into that first – it’s OkAY – we all haVe to sTart SomEWheRe - there’s so MuCH we’ve yet to learn). Of course, enjoy the FrUiTs of man’s LaBoR (GOD did give us InTeLLiGeNcE after all), but also ENjoY what GOD has CrEaTed for you and TaLK aBOut IT! MaYBe sHOUt iT FrOM thE RooF tOpS (well OnLY if you are CoMfORTaBlE with that SoRt oF THinG! There are some rEaLLy StRAngE peOplE in the wOrLd who wOuld do tHat – I knOw – try not to roLL your eyes At ThEM.)
This EaRTh -- where you LiVe -- was oriGinaLLy destined to be HeAvEn, the GaRdEn Of EdEen – PaRaDiSe (You’ve heard the story riGht? RiGHt? Ugggh. . . I thought so.). So we’ve messed up our PaRadiSE a little (Well, a LOT!!!), but we can clEaN up our aCt, right? We can ReSEt our priorities? Yes? YeS? Ahhhhh, YES!!!! (Wheeew! Sometimes you worry me.)
BRiNg BaLaNcE to your liFe. Begin each day in PrAyEr thanking GOD for the LiFe He has giVen you. ThInK of Him at MeAl TiME, DRiviNG TiMe, and CoMpUteR TiME, heck - - ANYTimE!!!
Do ReSeArch to help expAnd and SoLiDifY your BeLiEfS. EnJoy the BeAuTy of the wOrLd He cReAtEd for yOu by SLoWing down from aLL the “bUsy BuSy”. Enjoy His ChUrCh, the physical oNe and tHe Body (the BoDy = YoU and mE – faMiLy-fRiEnDs-StRaNgErS - togEtHer - PeOPle = Body = stay with me nOw!)
There are many OppORtuNiTiES you can take AdVanTAge of EvEryDay to tAlk about JESUS too. TaLk about how HE treated eVeRYoNe with DiGniTy, PaTiEnCe and CoMpAssiOn. And then, (here’s a nOvel idEa) ImiTAtE HIM! TaLK about HIM FrEElY and BoLdLy! Not EvEry time you have a CoNveRsaTioN, of coUrse, but wHen you can, offer coMfOrtiNG words to oTHers and pOint out their bLeSSinGS! Oohhhh, ooooh, ohhhhh, or how about this - bE a bLeSSiNg to sOmeOne else! Now thAt’s tAkiNg it to tHe neXt lEvEl. (What do you think JESUS, huh – huh - - good ideas are coming!). The MoRe you lOOk for DiviNe WoNDerS, the more you’ll sEE.
JESUS is not a cOOl SeCrEt to be kept UnDeR wRaPS or only MeNtiONed when your HeAD hits the PillOw for a SoUnD sLeeP. Nor is He sOMeOne we only tALk about on His BiRtHdAy (His biRtHday – ChRisTmAs DaY – DEcEmbEr 25th – EvEry YeAr – DuH -- I know you KnEW that – coFFee kiCkiNg in yEt? – gO aHeAd – dRiNk just a tAd mOre!). Jesus was “tHe MaN” who shOwEd us the wAy to sAlvAtion- our SaLvAtiOn! Hello – anYbOdy out tHere? Oh, there yOu are – I thouGht you were . . . neVer miNd.
Get all sTiRRed uP over the FaCt that God, the GrEatEst PoWeR of this world (actually not of this WoRLd – He actually LivEs somewhere else – weLL – don’t worry - you’ll get it), is working for you 24/7. Show HiM the LoVe and tHat You’VE got YoUr AcT tOGethEr and gRoWinG in FaiTh eVerYdAy! When yOu do – you’LL nOtiCe How’S He’S bEEn and wiLL conTiNue to TaKE cARe of you EveRyDay of your LiFE and in the nExT (“in tHe Next” = “EtErNiTY” for those of you who are having A brain frEEze!)
It’s TiMe for uS to prEpAre our HeArTs, MiNds and SoULs for what’s to cOmE. It’s such an eXciTiNg JoUrNey we are on, are yOu ready for yOur FuTUre? I can’t HeAR yOu! Are you ReAdy? Uhhhh, try again. Are YoU ReAdy? Yes – that’s what I’m TaLKinG about – eXciTEd peOpLe – I’m impreSSed – whAt do You tHiNK LORD – they’re lOOkiNg GooD aren’t tHey? Yeah, r-e-a-l-l-y ShaPiNG Up! ThEy AllmOst LooK sPellBoUnd – I tHiNk YoU jUst MiGhT Be tHe NexT BiG CrazE to Hit SoCietY. (Yes – JESUS - I kNow FaiTh iS nOt a tEmpoRarY tHing – bUt tHey’LL get it – they wiLL learn a liTTle MoRe each dAy and oVer tiMe You’LL see tHe diFFerEnCe – giVe us sOme time LORD – really – We’LL keep wOrKing tOgEther . . . – hello fRiEnds hElp me hErE – tEll JESUS HOw You WAnt Him in YOur Life and How yOu will hElp othErs to come along tOO – aggggh – thank you. HE likes it wHen we wOrk in gRoUps – we have leSS roOm to stray.)
HallElUjaH! Now rUn ALonG and go teLL the WoRld about GOD and HIS SON JESUS! (yes -- YOU! – You CAN do iT – YES. . . YOU CAN. . . – go on now - one B-a-B-Y StEP at a time - people are WaiTiNG for direction – YoUr DiReCtiOn - you are the AppOiNTed LeADer – yOu go on now you LiTtLE aMbAsSaDoR fOr ChRisT yOu!)
I lOve it – PeoPle who BeLiEvE in GOD do gReAt ThiNGs when they sEt their MinDs to iT!
I’m PrOUd of yOu. You didn’t QUit ReADinG – you kept going with “oNe wORd, OnE tHouGHT, oNe BrEatH, OnE MinD, ONE BodY, OnE SpiRiT – that’s all it takes - - One SiTUatiOn at A tiMe! ShOw the WoRld how you’re LiVinG and WhEre you’re gOing. ThAt’s it bAby – make tHis the HeAvEn on eaRtH and lOOk foRwArd to YoUr EtErNiTy and BeYoNd!
(HoNEy - How CaN I GEt On Top oF tHe ROOF? It doesn’t matter what I’m going to do . . . I can use a ladder Dear! Fine! He doesn’t want me to get hurt, huh! He’s always trying to steal my joy! I’ll go and get my neighbor Jesus (He-Suuuss) to hElP me – I saw hiM up tHeRe yesTeRday! Heee, heee, heee – where thErE’s a will – thErE’s a way!
Uggggh – Is thErE somEtHing wrOng with your EyEs? They lOOk like they were like r-O-l-l-i-N-g back in their SocKeTs – I don’t know – it looked K-i-N-d of oDD? Maybe yOu should go gEt them CheCked – it just doEsN’t seem nOrMal to me! YOuR right, they’ll proBaBly be beTTer toMoRRow. SlEEp gOOd tOnigHt aNd Say a liTTle prAyer – it AlwaYs woRks for mE!)
Inspired by Luke 19:45-48
“Then Jesus entered the temple and began to drive out those who were selling things there; and he said, ‘It is written, “My house shall be a house of prayer”; but you have made it a den of robbers.’ Everyday he was teaching in the temple. The chief priests, the scribes, and the leaders of the people kept looking for a way to kill him; but they did not find anything they could do, for all the people were spellbound by what they heard.”
LIVE LIKE YOU BELIEVE! Godinsight4me is a place where hope, faith, and love intersect and flourish. It is a safe haven to find God and your spirituality for the first time or to increase, re-vive, fuel, intensify, foster, and expand your faith. God loves you! Now let's love our God by loving one another!
Brothers & Sisters In Christ

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
It’s Like A Warm Blanket Right Out Of The Dryer!
It’s Like A Warm Blanket Right Out Of The Dryer!
This may sound crazy, but get your favorite blanket and toss it in the dryer. Get it all nice and warm. Is it warm yet? Okay, now get the blanket out and wrap it around you. Just do what I say (gee whiz – everyone’s got to know why!) Okay, now that you are all wrapped in warmth I would like you to read on.
Recall the day you felt at peace with a situation in your life. Think back to the time you felt tranquility after a tough job well done. Remember when you experienced freedom from strife after a hard decision. Call back the harmony that enveloped you after reconciling a relationship. Bring to mind the calm that filled you after your recovery from a financial crisis. Remember the unity you felt after prayers with family and friends were answered after an accident or surgery for a love one. Wrap yourself again in the serenity you felt after the acceptance of the death of a loved one. So great is the feeling of peace.
Jesus came and said to us, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27
Why only accept Jesus’ peace after you have put yourself through turmoil? Take His peace from the beginning of your plight. Be the first to surrender with harmony on your lips over a battle of views on life. Fight back immediately against injustice with goodness in your heart and a kind act. When hearing gossip against another, defend their dignity with decency and kindness in words. When you see someone struggling to move an object or load their car with groceries rush to their aid with thoughtfulness and consideration. When tragedy strikes immediately gather people and pray together in faith and then give thanks to God for his love and mercy. When you lose your favorite piece of jewelry, your computer crashes or your cell phone dies remember immediately they are just material things and turn your thoughts to God giving thanks that you still have your health, a good life and a roof over your head. When you’ve lost your job and pickings are slim, be persistent in faith knowing that God has a better job lined up for you. When you don’t know where your next meal is coming from and you find yourself opening canned foods from your pantry refuse to have self-pity, and instead humble your heart and fill it with joy giving thanks to Jesus that he promised never to leave you and through your faith in Him you will get through this too. When you get angry at your children, spouse, parents or friends over their inconsiderate acts or disappointing views on life immediately pray for them and do as Jesus did, be the good example and let your actions speak for you.
Welcome the peace that Jesus offers to you and absorb its warmth as it infiltrates into every aspect of your life. Hallelujah! There is a God.
What a wonderful life you have. Only blessings, bright sunshine and beautiful rainbows shall follow you all the rest of your life.
Can you feel it? Aaaggghhhh, the peace! It’s like a warm blanket right out of the dryer.
Inspired by Psalm 16:7-11
"I bless the Lord who counsels me; even in the night my heart exhorts me. I set the Lord ever before me, with him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed. Therefore my heart is glad and my soul rejoices, my body, too, abides in confidence; because you will not abandon my soul to the nether world, nor will you suffer your faithful ones to undergo corruption. You will show me the path to life, fullness of joy in your presence, the delights at your right hand forever.”
This may sound crazy, but get your favorite blanket and toss it in the dryer. Get it all nice and warm. Is it warm yet? Okay, now get the blanket out and wrap it around you. Just do what I say (gee whiz – everyone’s got to know why!) Okay, now that you are all wrapped in warmth I would like you to read on.
Recall the day you felt at peace with a situation in your life. Think back to the time you felt tranquility after a tough job well done. Remember when you experienced freedom from strife after a hard decision. Call back the harmony that enveloped you after reconciling a relationship. Bring to mind the calm that filled you after your recovery from a financial crisis. Remember the unity you felt after prayers with family and friends were answered after an accident or surgery for a love one. Wrap yourself again in the serenity you felt after the acceptance of the death of a loved one. So great is the feeling of peace.
Jesus came and said to us, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27
Why only accept Jesus’ peace after you have put yourself through turmoil? Take His peace from the beginning of your plight. Be the first to surrender with harmony on your lips over a battle of views on life. Fight back immediately against injustice with goodness in your heart and a kind act. When hearing gossip against another, defend their dignity with decency and kindness in words. When you see someone struggling to move an object or load their car with groceries rush to their aid with thoughtfulness and consideration. When tragedy strikes immediately gather people and pray together in faith and then give thanks to God for his love and mercy. When you lose your favorite piece of jewelry, your computer crashes or your cell phone dies remember immediately they are just material things and turn your thoughts to God giving thanks that you still have your health, a good life and a roof over your head. When you’ve lost your job and pickings are slim, be persistent in faith knowing that God has a better job lined up for you. When you don’t know where your next meal is coming from and you find yourself opening canned foods from your pantry refuse to have self-pity, and instead humble your heart and fill it with joy giving thanks to Jesus that he promised never to leave you and through your faith in Him you will get through this too. When you get angry at your children, spouse, parents or friends over their inconsiderate acts or disappointing views on life immediately pray for them and do as Jesus did, be the good example and let your actions speak for you.
Welcome the peace that Jesus offers to you and absorb its warmth as it infiltrates into every aspect of your life. Hallelujah! There is a God.
What a wonderful life you have. Only blessings, bright sunshine and beautiful rainbows shall follow you all the rest of your life.
Can you feel it? Aaaggghhhh, the peace! It’s like a warm blanket right out of the dryer.
Inspired by Psalm 16:7-11
"I bless the Lord who counsels me; even in the night my heart exhorts me. I set the Lord ever before me, with him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed. Therefore my heart is glad and my soul rejoices, my body, too, abides in confidence; because you will not abandon my soul to the nether world, nor will you suffer your faithful ones to undergo corruption. You will show me the path to life, fullness of joy in your presence, the delights at your right hand forever.”
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
"There is time for everything."
-Thomas A. Edison
"Much may be done in those little shreds and patches of time which every day produces, and which most men throw away."
-Charles Caleb Colton
"An earnest purpose finds time, or makes it. It seizes on spare moments, and turns fragments to golden account."
-William Ellery Channing
"What we love to do we find time to do."
- John Lancaster Spalding
"There is time for everything."
-Thomas A. Edison
"Much may be done in those little shreds and patches of time which every day produces, and which most men throw away."
-Charles Caleb Colton
"An earnest purpose finds time, or makes it. It seizes on spare moments, and turns fragments to golden account."
-William Ellery Channing
"What we love to do we find time to do."
- John Lancaster Spalding
There Is More To Life Than Meets The Eye
We are destined to be blind until we decide to see! “What? I’m not blind! WhAt ChU tAlKiNg AbOuT?” “To see, or not to see,” that is the question. Perhaps we are not “blind” in the literal sense, but we may unknowingly “lack vision” with respect to our true potential in our life’s journey in faith. We may not have exercised adequate forethought, foresight or sensitivity in developing fulfilling unconditional love in long term relationships with close ones and the brief encounters with strangers who’s path we cross everyday. We may lack confidence in believing we deserve and can experience the gift of a holy existence that is intended for us. We may think we are not worthy like saints or that we must be blessed with supreme images and extraordinary eye-opening revelations to understand and accept that we can be at ease with offering ourselves in compassion and deeds just as Jesus did throughout His life for the sake of others. Today let us abandon our old selves and be renewed with intuitive light in our eyes, putting forth a fresh attitude toward life, and greet and lead a revitalized spirit inside.
Many of us are blind to the not so obvious truth about the lack of morality, decency, righteousness and self-worth in today’s society. Although the behavior of man has not changed much over the course of thousands of years we are still at a pivotal point in time in our lives. This is the time to decide to spiritually live or we can turn our backs and mortally die.
Naively or with deliberate intentions our negative and pessimistic attitudes have become our new normal and have blotted out true goodness and genuineness of heart. We are part of a world where love for others has become in part “conditional” promoting self serving attitudes and demeaning and degrading behavior toward others ultimately causing harm to the spirit. Refuse to allow good virtues to become extinct. We must take action to not only preserve a high caliber of respect and value of other’s lives, dignity and feelings but also provide a culture where goodness is preferred over bad vices and be able to sustain a place where their growth will flourish and prevail over the evil we dwell in today.
We must reassess and come to terms with the areas in our lives in need of spiritual healing that can reconcile us with each other over past grievances, settle unfair claims amicably, remove malice from our hearts, restore our health, faith, ill attitudes, foul mouths, judging eyes, and hardened hearts. When our conscience is filled and active with good morals and values, only then can we move forward to serve and love God and each other. There is nothing God will not forgive a sorrowful, seeking and faithful heart. Therefore, turn to God and be free from all that hinders you.
There is SoMeThiNg in all of our lives that could use TwEaKiNg, and God above all knows we are not perfect! We have an opportunity today to wake up from our slumber to take an honest look at ourselves and realize there is more to our being and in our potential than that which has previously posed itself before us and as we have chosen see it through our eyes. Where do you start and who in the “world” is going to help you move forward? Jesus!
God created Jesus in His image and sent Him here to teach us about a world yet to come. “Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me.” John 6:57. The more we educate ourselves with God’s word, pray, listen, and imitate Jesus the more content we will be in our walk in faith and the more we will please God.
With humble hearts let’s give thanks to God by stepping out of our comfort zones and march with defined intent into a life worth living, where the rewards of giving free of self will change us. We can work together connecting God’s people as one united body to our Father with our caring hands and committed hearts that reach out to touch others. We are a part of His church and with our renewed selves the face of the earth is destined to change preparing us for the greater gift of life to come seen through the hope and life of Jesus Christ.
Go to God’s Son for help. He was brought here for you! Ask Him for what you need! Use Him! He’s waiting for you to STOP FROM ALL THE BUSYNESS OF YOUR LIFE THAT KEEPS YOU FROM HIM. Carve out some quiet time and do some serious soul searching. Pray over your transgressions and sinful indulgences of life and ask for forgiveness and guidance. There is no need to wait until tomorrow or to wait until you hit rock bottom to make a change. In the silence you will hear the hope He offers to us all, “What do you want me to do for you?” It is when you ask you will receive. When you have given yourself, your troubles and your life to Him you will be able to see, hear, and experience what you have been missing and you will know in your heart, mind and spirit where it is you are destined to go.
Each day is a gift and we must respond in humble acceptance and immense thanksgiving. Let’s extend our arms and hands upward with great praise, hope and spirit to receive our intended gift of life. Together let us be humble servants and noble witnesses with voices proclaiming God’s blessings, glory and mercy on our lives. With our “giving” open hearts as our foundation we are providers and instruments of “love”, one of the greatest gifts of life. How wonderful to be able to join in like voices with all the angels, saints, and your brothers and sisters to proclaim a spiritual principle that will live on forever with God’s faithful, “Once I was blind, but now I see.”
May your renewed spirit and deepened prayers of thanksgiving remain in your sight every day of the year and the love you share and receive shall transcend into eternal life!
Inspired by
Luke 18:35-43
“As he approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. When he heard a crowd going by, he asked what was happening. They told him, ‘Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.’ Then he shouted, ‘Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!’ Those who were in front sternly ordered the man to be brought to him; and when he came near, he asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” He said, “Lord, let me see again.” Jesus said to him, ’Receive your sight; your faith has saved you.’ Immediately he regained his sight and followed him, glorying God; and all the people, when they saw it, praised God.”
We are destined to be blind until we decide to see! “What? I’m not blind! WhAt ChU tAlKiNg AbOuT?” “To see, or not to see,” that is the question. Perhaps we are not “blind” in the literal sense, but we may unknowingly “lack vision” with respect to our true potential in our life’s journey in faith. We may not have exercised adequate forethought, foresight or sensitivity in developing fulfilling unconditional love in long term relationships with close ones and the brief encounters with strangers who’s path we cross everyday. We may lack confidence in believing we deserve and can experience the gift of a holy existence that is intended for us. We may think we are not worthy like saints or that we must be blessed with supreme images and extraordinary eye-opening revelations to understand and accept that we can be at ease with offering ourselves in compassion and deeds just as Jesus did throughout His life for the sake of others. Today let us abandon our old selves and be renewed with intuitive light in our eyes, putting forth a fresh attitude toward life, and greet and lead a revitalized spirit inside.
Many of us are blind to the not so obvious truth about the lack of morality, decency, righteousness and self-worth in today’s society. Although the behavior of man has not changed much over the course of thousands of years we are still at a pivotal point in time in our lives. This is the time to decide to spiritually live or we can turn our backs and mortally die.
Naively or with deliberate intentions our negative and pessimistic attitudes have become our new normal and have blotted out true goodness and genuineness of heart. We are part of a world where love for others has become in part “conditional” promoting self serving attitudes and demeaning and degrading behavior toward others ultimately causing harm to the spirit. Refuse to allow good virtues to become extinct. We must take action to not only preserve a high caliber of respect and value of other’s lives, dignity and feelings but also provide a culture where goodness is preferred over bad vices and be able to sustain a place where their growth will flourish and prevail over the evil we dwell in today.
We must reassess and come to terms with the areas in our lives in need of spiritual healing that can reconcile us with each other over past grievances, settle unfair claims amicably, remove malice from our hearts, restore our health, faith, ill attitudes, foul mouths, judging eyes, and hardened hearts. When our conscience is filled and active with good morals and values, only then can we move forward to serve and love God and each other. There is nothing God will not forgive a sorrowful, seeking and faithful heart. Therefore, turn to God and be free from all that hinders you.
There is SoMeThiNg in all of our lives that could use TwEaKiNg, and God above all knows we are not perfect! We have an opportunity today to wake up from our slumber to take an honest look at ourselves and realize there is more to our being and in our potential than that which has previously posed itself before us and as we have chosen see it through our eyes. Where do you start and who in the “world” is going to help you move forward? Jesus!
God created Jesus in His image and sent Him here to teach us about a world yet to come. “Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me.” John 6:57. The more we educate ourselves with God’s word, pray, listen, and imitate Jesus the more content we will be in our walk in faith and the more we will please God.
With humble hearts let’s give thanks to God by stepping out of our comfort zones and march with defined intent into a life worth living, where the rewards of giving free of self will change us. We can work together connecting God’s people as one united body to our Father with our caring hands and committed hearts that reach out to touch others. We are a part of His church and with our renewed selves the face of the earth is destined to change preparing us for the greater gift of life to come seen through the hope and life of Jesus Christ.
Go to God’s Son for help. He was brought here for you! Ask Him for what you need! Use Him! He’s waiting for you to STOP FROM ALL THE BUSYNESS OF YOUR LIFE THAT KEEPS YOU FROM HIM. Carve out some quiet time and do some serious soul searching. Pray over your transgressions and sinful indulgences of life and ask for forgiveness and guidance. There is no need to wait until tomorrow or to wait until you hit rock bottom to make a change. In the silence you will hear the hope He offers to us all, “What do you want me to do for you?” It is when you ask you will receive. When you have given yourself, your troubles and your life to Him you will be able to see, hear, and experience what you have been missing and you will know in your heart, mind and spirit where it is you are destined to go.
Each day is a gift and we must respond in humble acceptance and immense thanksgiving. Let’s extend our arms and hands upward with great praise, hope and spirit to receive our intended gift of life. Together let us be humble servants and noble witnesses with voices proclaiming God’s blessings, glory and mercy on our lives. With our “giving” open hearts as our foundation we are providers and instruments of “love”, one of the greatest gifts of life. How wonderful to be able to join in like voices with all the angels, saints, and your brothers and sisters to proclaim a spiritual principle that will live on forever with God’s faithful, “Once I was blind, but now I see.”
May your renewed spirit and deepened prayers of thanksgiving remain in your sight every day of the year and the love you share and receive shall transcend into eternal life!
Inspired by
Luke 18:35-43
“As he approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. When he heard a crowd going by, he asked what was happening. They told him, ‘Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.’ Then he shouted, ‘Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!’ Those who were in front sternly ordered the man to be brought to him; and when he came near, he asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” He said, “Lord, let me see again.” Jesus said to him, ’Receive your sight; your faith has saved you.’ Immediately he regained his sight and followed him, glorying God; and all the people, when they saw it, praised God.”
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The World Is A Better Place Because You Are In It!
The World Is A Better Place Because You Are In It!
There are people that do wonderful things for you and others everyday. They may be big like helping out with your mortgage payment or treating you for a really special night on the town. Perhaps grandma stayed with your child while you worked or maybe someone spent time with you at the hospital while your spouse endured an operation. Even simple things like remembering you on your birthday, sending you a “just because” thinking of you card, or sending over some fabulous homemade tamales are fine examples of charitable, generous, kind deeds and thoughts.
You may have benefited from someone’s words of wisdom that helped you out in a crunch or in a real emotional situation. Examples of kindnesses are endless.
What’s important to remember is to always thank them. We can sometimes take “nice” for granted. Go the extra mile and praise another individual. Kind words can go a long way. Sometimes finding a way to express your gratitude by a favor returned back or a small gift or token to another would be appropriate. Anything done from the heart is communicated and received with love at its center. Love is where the heart is.
It’s important not to assume some knows how we feel. We have different emotional needs and we can do what we can to insure that a person receives the respect, acknowledgement, and value they deserve. There is no denying that it feels great to know you are not taken for granted.
You are blessed everyday with gifts from God too. Wake up in the morning and take a moment before you jump out of bed and thank God for another day. Whether you are well or ill today is still a blessing. Before you get in your car pause for a few moments and appreciate the beauty around you. Thank God for the splendor of the morning, the sun that warms us, or the rain that aids in growth. As you rest quietly in bed and before you close your eyes for a restful night, assess the day’s events and give thanks to God for all the ways He was present in your life.
Of course, God comes through in big ways too. His hands touch many people to make a job promotion possible. He worked many years and saw you through many relationships before he was finally able to bring your mate into your life. And let’s not forget the miraculous creation and blessing of a child.
Thank God for things that may seem trite like green lights all the way to work when you woke up late or the near miss of someone rear ending you or perhaps more crucial things like the recovery and healing from a dangerous operation or a deadly disease.
Take ordinary moments and realize how they are unquestionably gifts of peace from God. Respond in thanks by continuing to bring positive energy in your life and the lives of others. Your praise and faith in God’s presence in your life will bring abundant blessings to you.
Thank you to all those I know personally and to those that I may never meet for taking time out of your blessed day to praise God, read scripture, stories and ideas, and for returning time after time being open to change. Thank you for seeing yourself and being bold and caring enough to release yourself from old bad habits and allowing God to work on you, for encouraging others, being a positive example, and for giving me the opportunity to share the gifts I believe God has bestowed on my life.
The world, my world, is a better place because you are in it!
Inspired by Luke 17:11-19
“On the way to Jerusalem Jesus was going through the region between Samaria and Galilee. He entered a village, ten lepers approached him. Keeping their distance, they called out, saying, ‘Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!’ When he saw them, he said to them, ‘Go, and show yourselves to the priests.’ And as they went, they were made clean. Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice. He prostrated himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him. And he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus asked, ‘Were not ten made clean? But the other nine, where are they? Was none of them found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?’ Then he said to him, ‘Get up, and go on your way; your faith has made you well.’”
There are people that do wonderful things for you and others everyday. They may be big like helping out with your mortgage payment or treating you for a really special night on the town. Perhaps grandma stayed with your child while you worked or maybe someone spent time with you at the hospital while your spouse endured an operation. Even simple things like remembering you on your birthday, sending you a “just because” thinking of you card, or sending over some fabulous homemade tamales are fine examples of charitable, generous, kind deeds and thoughts.
You may have benefited from someone’s words of wisdom that helped you out in a crunch or in a real emotional situation. Examples of kindnesses are endless.
What’s important to remember is to always thank them. We can sometimes take “nice” for granted. Go the extra mile and praise another individual. Kind words can go a long way. Sometimes finding a way to express your gratitude by a favor returned back or a small gift or token to another would be appropriate. Anything done from the heart is communicated and received with love at its center. Love is where the heart is.
It’s important not to assume some knows how we feel. We have different emotional needs and we can do what we can to insure that a person receives the respect, acknowledgement, and value they deserve. There is no denying that it feels great to know you are not taken for granted.
You are blessed everyday with gifts from God too. Wake up in the morning and take a moment before you jump out of bed and thank God for another day. Whether you are well or ill today is still a blessing. Before you get in your car pause for a few moments and appreciate the beauty around you. Thank God for the splendor of the morning, the sun that warms us, or the rain that aids in growth. As you rest quietly in bed and before you close your eyes for a restful night, assess the day’s events and give thanks to God for all the ways He was present in your life.
Of course, God comes through in big ways too. His hands touch many people to make a job promotion possible. He worked many years and saw you through many relationships before he was finally able to bring your mate into your life. And let’s not forget the miraculous creation and blessing of a child.
Thank God for things that may seem trite like green lights all the way to work when you woke up late or the near miss of someone rear ending you or perhaps more crucial things like the recovery and healing from a dangerous operation or a deadly disease.
Take ordinary moments and realize how they are unquestionably gifts of peace from God. Respond in thanks by continuing to bring positive energy in your life and the lives of others. Your praise and faith in God’s presence in your life will bring abundant blessings to you.
Thank you to all those I know personally and to those that I may never meet for taking time out of your blessed day to praise God, read scripture, stories and ideas, and for returning time after time being open to change. Thank you for seeing yourself and being bold and caring enough to release yourself from old bad habits and allowing God to work on you, for encouraging others, being a positive example, and for giving me the opportunity to share the gifts I believe God has bestowed on my life.
The world, my world, is a better place because you are in it!
Inspired by Luke 17:11-19
“On the way to Jerusalem Jesus was going through the region between Samaria and Galilee. He entered a village, ten lepers approached him. Keeping their distance, they called out, saying, ‘Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!’ When he saw them, he said to them, ‘Go, and show yourselves to the priests.’ And as they went, they were made clean. Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice. He prostrated himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him. And he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus asked, ‘Were not ten made clean? But the other nine, where are they? Was none of them found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?’ Then he said to him, ‘Get up, and go on your way; your faith has made you well.’”
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Who Could Ask For Anything More
Who Could Ask For Anything More
THEM: “I can’t”. “I don’t know how.” “It’s too hard.” “I don’t know where to start.” “It’s just not in me!” “I’m not good enough.” “I don’t have money.” “I’m the wrong sex.” “It’s tough, I’m a single parent.” “My car is older than my great grandmother.” “I can’t afford to buy a house.” “I don’t come from a family with money like he does.” “I want to have a diamond ring that big too.” “I want designer clothes but I can’t afford them.” “She says one thing and does another.” “He only thinks of himself.” “I’m not their only child.” “She’s supposed to do things for me, she’s my wife.” “Why do they always look to me?” “I have my own problems.” “I have better things to do with my time.”
YOU: Those people! They make excuses, criticize, grumble, gripe, whine, complain and find fault with everything! Truly, is this the way they want to spend their time and life? Ugghhh, they need to stop already! I know == I know == it’s not you,
ME: It never is.
YOU: but . . . . you just might know one of these people. I know you already know what to do. But for their sake, let’s go out on a limb and put some ideas out there that they can work with. Let’s try and help out a brother or a sister, shall we?
THEM: Why do you complain? (Because I can!) Does it feel good? (Yeah, sometimes!) What is it that you are protesting? (The unfairness of it all!) Does it improve anything? (My ulcer!) Does anything positive come from it? (uuuhhhhmmm . . .)
Who are you fooling? Life feels lousy when you let it get you down. Don’t waste your time sulking, brooding, or being stuck in a funk. Take affirmative action that will change your life forever.
YOU: They really do want to change. Don’t listen to them. Do you hear me?!!
THEM: Take the negative focus off of life and replace it with optimistic, encouraging, upbeat, and positive thoughts. “That’s all.”
ME: I feel like Meryl Streep in the Devil Wears Prada, “That’s all”.
THEM: Greet hard times with a smile. Replace a gripe with a plan. Don’t pine for things beyond your reach. Help someone even if they seem to not want to help themselves. If life throws you a wild curve, duck for goodness sake!
You have the gift of this new day and a marvelous chance to change it up. Not only that, you possess God given gifts that can change not only your life but the lives of those you touch. You have a competent mind that will keep you on the right track. You possess a heart designed for giving and compassion. You have a conscience that deciphers between right and wrong. Truly your future is bright. Just decide to be happy. Yes, it’s as easy as that!
YOU: Now that we have that out of the way, do you think we can move on and make some progress here? I know it’s hard sometimes to pump someone up, isn’t it? But what are friends for, right?
THEM: You don’t need an elaborate plan and it doesn’t matter where you start or who you start with. Just get moving in the right direction.
Jump start your new self by spawning a holy attitude, “I am a part of the great family of God. He has given me the grace of special gifts.”
Look at the people around you. You can probably point out many of their gifts. (I said gifts, not faults, stay with me here people!) There are great teachers, listeners, helpers, nurturers, designers, organizers, planners, doers, leaders, motivators, and speakers. There are great watch and wine makers, sculptures, cooks, housekeepers, readers, athletes, representatives, musicians, artists, and comedians. Others are good with children, handicapped, animals, or the terminally ill. Still others have great faith, extreme patience, positive outlooks, and warm and welcoming smiles. The list goes on and on. There is no trait or attribute too small or ridiculous worth mentioning. God has given gifts to all. AND HE’S BLESSED YOU WITH GIFTS TOO!
So what about you? (not YOU, THEM, you people are easily tripped up – why is that?) Take some time away from your routine and do a little soul searching. Stand in front of the mirror and find out who you are. Examine yourself good and long.
Look into your eyes. Find the compassion, the years of experience, the warmth, the knowledge you possess. Know that they have encouraged, cheered, and supported. They may have even comforted in times of misunderstandings, disappointment, distress and mourning.
Look closely at your lips. Realize they are tender and offer much reassurance. Smile at yourself, frown, pout and then smile again. Realize what makes you come to life. Take pride in knowing that from your lips you have consoled, laughed, and offered life lessons. They have tangled with and spoken of disenchantment, frustration, regrets and set backs, but have recovered again and again offering words of reasoning, negotiation and healing.
Appreciate your strong back and shoulders. Note how they have carried you and others through many trials, triumphs and celebrations.
Examine your hands, legs and feet. They have created, hugged, caressed, walked, and ran to the aid of many. You have done things for others that you are not even aware of. YoU ArE sPeCiAl.
I know we have some family and friends that think a good productive time is being alone or sitting behind the television with the remote rooted to their hand like a bad wart. There is no way they will find out anything about themselves or anyone else for that matter by remaining there. Call a family meeting (dinner) often, designate a game night, host a once a month just because family and friends potluck party, something, anything!
Hmmmm, need ideas for the gu – person with the remote stuck in his hand. You could hide the remote? Unplug the television? Stop paying the cable (too harsh?) Make a rule that the TV should not be turned on until 9pm? You’ll think of something.
Listen to what others say about you. We compliment each other all the time. However, many of us do not r-e-a-l-l-y listen.
You: Some of THOSE OTHER PEOPLE will not like what they hear. That’s okay. We can all use a little slap in the face == I mean eye opener == now and then. Little by little they will change. Others will notice and so will you. We can do our part and take time out to praise and reward people for their growth in mind and spirit.
THEM: Go a step further and do more of what you already enjoy doing now. Pay attention to
You, how your gifts shine, and how they can help someone else.
Enhance the qualities or peculiarities that makes you – well you! If you make a mistake, blunder, slip-up or oversight, so what! God will forgive you when you misstep. Need a model, look to Jesus. You have saints who have paved the way. You have others who live among you who are inspirational – use them. You have the bible that gives all the guidance you need. Live by it!
Wow, things happen fast. I see you smiling now. Your eyes look bright and cheery. Happiness is contagious, isn’t it? Who could ask for anything more! Go get ‘em tiger!
YOU: Well, we finally got through that! Do you think we got through to them? If not, there’s always tomorrow, right? Now, now . . . there’s no giving up on anybody. Some people will take longer than others to come around. Be patient.
ME: Patience, isn’t that a gift God gives everyone? Maybe not. Well, it’s something that they are all just going to have to work on. I thought we were so past this . . . Huuuuuuuuhhhhh . . .
YOU: By the way, don’t forget to put away that mirror. You look great by the way. I like your smile and your outlook . . . I don’t know . . . somehow you seem different. Well, whatever it is, I like it!
ME: Hhhhhmmm, where is my mirror?
P.S. YOU: By the way, people look up to you because of your fine values and morals and they seek your superior advice. No pressure! You’ll know what to say and do when the situation presents itself. You have God, Jesus, the litany of saints, the bible, the choir of angels, church, priests, your guardian angel and a host of other valuable resources to help you. I have faith in you!
ME: What is my gift? I’ll just keep writing for now. I can’t think of anything else I’d rather be doing. I love it! “That’s all.”
Inspired by: Romans 12:5-7
“We, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us; prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness.”
THEM: “I can’t”. “I don’t know how.” “It’s too hard.” “I don’t know where to start.” “It’s just not in me!” “I’m not good enough.” “I don’t have money.” “I’m the wrong sex.” “It’s tough, I’m a single parent.” “My car is older than my great grandmother.” “I can’t afford to buy a house.” “I don’t come from a family with money like he does.” “I want to have a diamond ring that big too.” “I want designer clothes but I can’t afford them.” “She says one thing and does another.” “He only thinks of himself.” “I’m not their only child.” “She’s supposed to do things for me, she’s my wife.” “Why do they always look to me?” “I have my own problems.” “I have better things to do with my time.”
YOU: Those people! They make excuses, criticize, grumble, gripe, whine, complain and find fault with everything! Truly, is this the way they want to spend their time and life? Ugghhh, they need to stop already! I know == I know == it’s not you,
ME: It never is.
YOU: but . . . . you just might know one of these people. I know you already know what to do. But for their sake, let’s go out on a limb and put some ideas out there that they can work with. Let’s try and help out a brother or a sister, shall we?
THEM: Why do you complain? (Because I can!) Does it feel good? (Yeah, sometimes!) What is it that you are protesting? (The unfairness of it all!) Does it improve anything? (My ulcer!) Does anything positive come from it? (uuuhhhhmmm . . .)
Who are you fooling? Life feels lousy when you let it get you down. Don’t waste your time sulking, brooding, or being stuck in a funk. Take affirmative action that will change your life forever.
YOU: They really do want to change. Don’t listen to them. Do you hear me?!!
THEM: Take the negative focus off of life and replace it with optimistic, encouraging, upbeat, and positive thoughts. “That’s all.”
ME: I feel like Meryl Streep in the Devil Wears Prada, “That’s all”.
THEM: Greet hard times with a smile. Replace a gripe with a plan. Don’t pine for things beyond your reach. Help someone even if they seem to not want to help themselves. If life throws you a wild curve, duck for goodness sake!
You have the gift of this new day and a marvelous chance to change it up. Not only that, you possess God given gifts that can change not only your life but the lives of those you touch. You have a competent mind that will keep you on the right track. You possess a heart designed for giving and compassion. You have a conscience that deciphers between right and wrong. Truly your future is bright. Just decide to be happy. Yes, it’s as easy as that!
YOU: Now that we have that out of the way, do you think we can move on and make some progress here? I know it’s hard sometimes to pump someone up, isn’t it? But what are friends for, right?
THEM: You don’t need an elaborate plan and it doesn’t matter where you start or who you start with. Just get moving in the right direction.
Jump start your new self by spawning a holy attitude, “I am a part of the great family of God. He has given me the grace of special gifts.”
Look at the people around you. You can probably point out many of their gifts. (I said gifts, not faults, stay with me here people!) There are great teachers, listeners, helpers, nurturers, designers, organizers, planners, doers, leaders, motivators, and speakers. There are great watch and wine makers, sculptures, cooks, housekeepers, readers, athletes, representatives, musicians, artists, and comedians. Others are good with children, handicapped, animals, or the terminally ill. Still others have great faith, extreme patience, positive outlooks, and warm and welcoming smiles. The list goes on and on. There is no trait or attribute too small or ridiculous worth mentioning. God has given gifts to all. AND HE’S BLESSED YOU WITH GIFTS TOO!
So what about you? (not YOU, THEM, you people are easily tripped up – why is that?) Take some time away from your routine and do a little soul searching. Stand in front of the mirror and find out who you are. Examine yourself good and long.
Look into your eyes. Find the compassion, the years of experience, the warmth, the knowledge you possess. Know that they have encouraged, cheered, and supported. They may have even comforted in times of misunderstandings, disappointment, distress and mourning.
Look closely at your lips. Realize they are tender and offer much reassurance. Smile at yourself, frown, pout and then smile again. Realize what makes you come to life. Take pride in knowing that from your lips you have consoled, laughed, and offered life lessons. They have tangled with and spoken of disenchantment, frustration, regrets and set backs, but have recovered again and again offering words of reasoning, negotiation and healing.
Appreciate your strong back and shoulders. Note how they have carried you and others through many trials, triumphs and celebrations.
Examine your hands, legs and feet. They have created, hugged, caressed, walked, and ran to the aid of many. You have done things for others that you are not even aware of. YoU ArE sPeCiAl.
I know we have some family and friends that think a good productive time is being alone or sitting behind the television with the remote rooted to their hand like a bad wart. There is no way they will find out anything about themselves or anyone else for that matter by remaining there. Call a family meeting (dinner) often, designate a game night, host a once a month just because family and friends potluck party, something, anything!
Hmmmm, need ideas for the gu – person with the remote stuck in his hand. You could hide the remote? Unplug the television? Stop paying the cable (too harsh?) Make a rule that the TV should not be turned on until 9pm? You’ll think of something.
Listen to what others say about you. We compliment each other all the time. However, many of us do not r-e-a-l-l-y listen.
You: Some of THOSE OTHER PEOPLE will not like what they hear. That’s okay. We can all use a little slap in the face == I mean eye opener == now and then. Little by little they will change. Others will notice and so will you. We can do our part and take time out to praise and reward people for their growth in mind and spirit.
THEM: Go a step further and do more of what you already enjoy doing now. Pay attention to
You, how your gifts shine, and how they can help someone else.
Enhance the qualities or peculiarities that makes you – well you! If you make a mistake, blunder, slip-up or oversight, so what! God will forgive you when you misstep. Need a model, look to Jesus. You have saints who have paved the way. You have others who live among you who are inspirational – use them. You have the bible that gives all the guidance you need. Live by it!
Wow, things happen fast. I see you smiling now. Your eyes look bright and cheery. Happiness is contagious, isn’t it? Who could ask for anything more! Go get ‘em tiger!
YOU: Well, we finally got through that! Do you think we got through to them? If not, there’s always tomorrow, right? Now, now . . . there’s no giving up on anybody. Some people will take longer than others to come around. Be patient.
ME: Patience, isn’t that a gift God gives everyone? Maybe not. Well, it’s something that they are all just going to have to work on. I thought we were so past this . . . Huuuuuuuuhhhhh . . .
YOU: By the way, don’t forget to put away that mirror. You look great by the way. I like your smile and your outlook . . . I don’t know . . . somehow you seem different. Well, whatever it is, I like it!
ME: Hhhhhmmm, where is my mirror?
P.S. YOU: By the way, people look up to you because of your fine values and morals and they seek your superior advice. No pressure! You’ll know what to say and do when the situation presents itself. You have God, Jesus, the litany of saints, the bible, the choir of angels, church, priests, your guardian angel and a host of other valuable resources to help you. I have faith in you!
ME: What is my gift? I’ll just keep writing for now. I can’t think of anything else I’d rather be doing. I love it! “That’s all.”
Inspired by: Romans 12:5-7
“We, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us; prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness.”
Monday, November 2, 2009
Dear God in Heaven,
On this day we pray for our loved ones,
And all those who have gone before us.
We pray especially for . . .
Gilbert Delgado, Manuel Delgado, Cecilia Delgado, Ray Delgado, Leo Delgado, Paul Delgado, Joe Regalado, Angel Bernal, Rosalie Bernal, Maria Bernal, Esperanza Ponce, Chano Fierro, Amina Fierro, Laurel Fierro, Albert Holling, Sr., Celia Hollling, Albert Holling, Jr., Johnny Sanchez, Rod Nuanes, Sr., Emma Nuanes, David Nuanes, Gonzalo (“Jerry”) Guerrero, Francisco (Quico) Escobar, Juliet Montez, Richard Montez, Sal Medina, Celso Castro, Yvonne Castro, Bob Sanchez, Peter Sanchez, Elaine Sanchez, Melvin Lay, Nena Lay, Dario Tarin, Margaret Melendez, Patricia Santana's grandmother and Leisa Thompson's parents, and for all those who have gone to their rest in the hope of rising again.
They have lived their journey here on earth
And now dwell in the next, we pray for your mercy.
We ask that the less than worthy conduct, acts,
and thoughts of all are forgiven them,
and that their charitable hearts and righteous deeds
You will find worthy for Your Kingdom.
You gave your Son to us and he suffered greatly,
So that we may know You and be raised as He was.
May the holy souls of your church be cleansed and purified,
Allowing their entry into Heaven to be brought to fruition.
May all the departed now be in a state of grace
And sit at Jesus’ right hand to inherit the kingdom of God.
May we, the living, be prepared for the day when,
The Son of Man comes in his glory and all the angels with him.
Dear God in Heaven,
On this day we pray for our loved ones,
And all those who have gone before us.
We pray especially for . . .
Gilbert Delgado, Manuel Delgado, Cecilia Delgado, Ray Delgado, Leo Delgado, Paul Delgado, Joe Regalado, Angel Bernal, Rosalie Bernal, Maria Bernal, Esperanza Ponce, Chano Fierro, Amina Fierro, Laurel Fierro, Albert Holling, Sr., Celia Hollling, Albert Holling, Jr., Johnny Sanchez, Rod Nuanes, Sr., Emma Nuanes, David Nuanes, Gonzalo (“Jerry”) Guerrero, Francisco (Quico) Escobar, Juliet Montez, Richard Montez, Sal Medina, Celso Castro, Yvonne Castro, Bob Sanchez, Peter Sanchez, Elaine Sanchez, Melvin Lay, Nena Lay, Dario Tarin, Margaret Melendez, Patricia Santana's grandmother and Leisa Thompson's parents, and for all those who have gone to their rest in the hope of rising again.
They have lived their journey here on earth
And now dwell in the next, we pray for your mercy.
We ask that the less than worthy conduct, acts,
and thoughts of all are forgiven them,
and that their charitable hearts and righteous deeds
You will find worthy for Your Kingdom.
You gave your Son to us and he suffered greatly,
So that we may know You and be raised as He was.
May the holy souls of your church be cleansed and purified,
Allowing their entry into Heaven to be brought to fruition.
May all the departed now be in a state of grace
And sit at Jesus’ right hand to inherit the kingdom of God.
May we, the living, be prepared for the day when,
The Son of Man comes in his glory and all the angels with him.
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