LIVE LIKE YOU BELIEVE! Godinsight4me is a place where hope, faith, and love intersect and flourish. It is a safe haven to find God and your spirituality for the first time or to increase, re-vive, fuel, intensify, foster, and expand your faith. God loves you! Now let's love our God by loving one another!
Brothers & Sisters In Christ

Sunday, January 30, 2011
A Decided Heart
The tone of your day starts with your attitude. The negative thoughts you keep and the disappointments you hang on to keep you from blossoming and enjoying your life. Train yourself to speak and think positively even before your eyes are opened to the first rays of light. Begin each day in prayer, giving thanks for the roof over your head, the bed you are sleeping in and the ability to think clearly. Nothing is going to ruin your high spirits if you live with a decided heart to be happy.
Everyday Blessings
Everyday Blessings
"Yes! I've got my dream job! Thank You God!" "We've been approved for the house. The Lord was with us." "I didn't think it was possible. . . and then I drove off with my new car. " "Two pulls and I hit the jackpot! The Lord knows I needed it."
The blessings are there always. Fill yourself with the widsom of God so that you will see more than the icing on the cake.
Inspired by Luke 2:36-40
There was also a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Pahnuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years, having lived seven years with her husband after her marriage, and then as a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple, but worshiped night and day with fasting and prayer. And coming forward at that very time, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem. When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions of the law of the Lord, they returned to Gailee, to their own town of Nazareth.
Luke 2:36-40
There was also a prophet, Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, having lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, then as a widow to the age of eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped there with fasting and prayer night and day. At that moment she came, and began to praise God and to speak about the child to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem. When they had finished everything required by the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favour of God was upon him.
A Decided Heart
The tone of your day starts with your attitude. The negative thoughts you keep and the disappointments you hang on to keep you from blossoming and enjoying your life. Train yourself to speak and think positively even before your eyes are opened to the first rays of light. Begin each day in prayer, giving thanks for the roof over your head, the bed you are sleeping in and the ability to think clearly. Nothing is going to ruin your high spirits if you live with a decided heart to be happy.
"Yes! I've got my dream job! Thank You God!" "We've been approved for the house. The Lord was with us." "I didn't think it was possible. . . and then I drove off with my new car. " "Two pulls and I hit the jackpot! The Lord knows I needed it."
The blessings are there always. Fill yourself with the widsom of God so that you will see more than the icing on the cake.
Inspired by Luke 2:36-40
There was also a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Pahnuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years, having lived seven years with her husband after her marriage, and then as a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple, but worshiped night and day with fasting and prayer. And coming forward at that very time, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem. When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions of the law of the Lord, they returned to Gailee, to their own town of Nazareth.
Luke 2:36-40
There was also a prophet, Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, having lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, then as a widow to the age of eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped there with fasting and prayer night and day. At that moment she came, and began to praise God and to speak about the child to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem. When they had finished everything required by the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favour of God was upon him.
A Decided Heart
The tone of your day starts with your attitude. The negative thoughts you keep and the disappointments you hang on to keep you from blossoming and enjoying your life. Train yourself to speak and think positively even before your eyes are opened to the first rays of light. Begin each day in prayer, giving thanks for the roof over your head, the bed you are sleeping in and the ability to think clearly. Nothing is going to ruin your high spirits if you live with a decided heart to be happy.
There Is Good In Everyone
There Is Good In Everyone
“I’m going to stop smoking just until I have the baby.” “I only have the problem when I feel stressed. So I try not to stress.” “I know I hurt people when I do that. But I don’t mean to.”
When things go wrong we can make excuses and think temporary change is a fix. Instead use that opportunity to strengthen your good traits, develop fresh attitudes and toss out ones that stink. There is good in everyone! Sparkle even when the world is flawed!
Inspired by Mark 2:18-22
Now John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting; and people came and said to him, “Why do John’s disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?” Jesus said to them, “The wedding guests cannot fast while the bridegroom is with them, can they? As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast. The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast on that day. No one sews a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old cloak; otherwise, the patch pulls away from it, the new from the old, and a worse tear is made. And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost, and so are the skins; but one puts new wine into fresh wineskins.
“I’m going to stop smoking just until I have the baby.” “I only have the problem when I feel stressed. So I try not to stress.” “I know I hurt people when I do that. But I don’t mean to.”
When things go wrong we can make excuses and think temporary change is a fix. Instead use that opportunity to strengthen your good traits, develop fresh attitudes and toss out ones that stink. There is good in everyone! Sparkle even when the world is flawed!
Inspired by Mark 2:18-22
Now John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting; and people came and said to him, “Why do John’s disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?” Jesus said to them, “The wedding guests cannot fast while the bridegroom is with them, can they? As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast. The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast on that day. No one sews a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old cloak; otherwise, the patch pulls away from it, the new from the old, and a worse tear is made. And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost, and so are the skins; but one puts new wine into fresh wineskins.
Relish, Appreciate, Love
Relish, Appreciate, Love
“Why did you eat it all? Leave some for others.” “You complain all the time. Why can’t I?” “All you do is work. Why don’t you spend time with us?”
Food is a gift and wonderful source of energy not an opportunity to be gluttonous. Complaining is a direct insult to God about the life you have been blessed with. Work is a place to exhibit your skills and it will pay the bills, but it won’t fill the intimate space in people that requires love.
Relish, appreciate and enjoy love in your life, evade going through the motions or simply existing.
Inspired by Mark 2:23-28
One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grain fields; and as they made their way his disciples began to pluck heads of grain. The Pharisees said to him, “Look, why are they doing what is not lawful on the Sabbath?” And he said to them, “Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry and in need of food? He entered the house of God, when Abiathar was high priest, and ate the bread of the Presence, which it is not lawful for any but the priests to eat, and he gave some to his companions.” Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for humankind and not humankind for the Sabbath; so the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.
“Why did you eat it all? Leave some for others.” “You complain all the time. Why can’t I?” “All you do is work. Why don’t you spend time with us?”
Food is a gift and wonderful source of energy not an opportunity to be gluttonous. Complaining is a direct insult to God about the life you have been blessed with. Work is a place to exhibit your skills and it will pay the bills, but it won’t fill the intimate space in people that requires love.
Relish, appreciate and enjoy love in your life, evade going through the motions or simply existing.
Inspired by Mark 2:23-28
One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grain fields; and as they made their way his disciples began to pluck heads of grain. The Pharisees said to him, “Look, why are they doing what is not lawful on the Sabbath?” And he said to them, “Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry and in need of food? He entered the house of God, when Abiathar was high priest, and ate the bread of the Presence, which it is not lawful for any but the priests to eat, and he gave some to his companions.” Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for humankind and not humankind for the Sabbath; so the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.
We Can Work It Out
We Can Work It Out
“I am done with you.” Your attitude stinks. Her habits drive me crazy. My stomach turns when I look at him.
Where is the love? Learn to turn your anger into compassion so that you will be led to help rather than condemn or kill a spirit. “I love you. But you are not my favorite person right now. Let’s cool off and then we can find a solution that will work for both of us."
Inspired by Mark 3:1-6
Again he entered the synagogue, and a man was there who had a withered hand. They watched him to see whether he would cure him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse him. And he said to the man who had the withered hand, “Come forward.” Then he said to them, “Is it lawful to do good or to do harm on the Sabbath, to save life or to kill?” But they were silent. He looked around at them with anger; he was grieved at their hardness of heart and said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was restored. The Pharisees went out and immediately conspired with the Herodians against him, how to destroy him.
“I am done with you.” Your attitude stinks. Her habits drive me crazy. My stomach turns when I look at him.
Where is the love? Learn to turn your anger into compassion so that you will be led to help rather than condemn or kill a spirit. “I love you. But you are not my favorite person right now. Let’s cool off and then we can find a solution that will work for both of us."
Inspired by Mark 3:1-6
Again he entered the synagogue, and a man was there who had a withered hand. They watched him to see whether he would cure him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse him. And he said to the man who had the withered hand, “Come forward.” Then he said to them, “Is it lawful to do good or to do harm on the Sabbath, to save life or to kill?” But they were silent. He looked around at them with anger; he was grieved at their hardness of heart and said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was restored. The Pharisees went out and immediately conspired with the Herodians against him, how to destroy him.
You Talking To Me?
You talking to me?
“Honey, come here a minute.” “I’d like to thank you for coming.” “I was worried when you didn’t answer.”
Our names are called out every day. Take time to listen so that you can respond in love. Enjoy the retold stories, the good and life changing experiences, and even the things that make you want to pull your hair out. Life on earth is precious & temporary. “Just love me. Life beyond this moment is not promised.”
Inspired by Mark 3:13-19
He went up the mountain and called to him those whom he wanted, and they came to him. And he appointed twelve, whom he also named apostles, to be with him, and to be sent out to proclaim the message, and to have authority to cast out demons. So he appointed the twelve: Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter); James son of Zebedee and John the brother of James (to whom he gave the name Boanerges, that is, Sons of Thunder); and Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Cananaean, and Juduas Iscariot, who betrayed him.
“Honey, come here a minute.” “I’d like to thank you for coming.” “I was worried when you didn’t answer.”
Our names are called out every day. Take time to listen so that you can respond in love. Enjoy the retold stories, the good and life changing experiences, and even the things that make you want to pull your hair out. Life on earth is precious & temporary. “Just love me. Life beyond this moment is not promised.”
Inspired by Mark 3:13-19
He went up the mountain and called to him those whom he wanted, and they came to him. And he appointed twelve, whom he also named apostles, to be with him, and to be sent out to proclaim the message, and to have authority to cast out demons. So he appointed the twelve: Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter); James son of Zebedee and John the brother of James (to whom he gave the name Boanerges, that is, Sons of Thunder); and Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Cananaean, and Juduas Iscariot, who betrayed him.
I"ll Be There
I'll Be There
“I’m afraid to go by myself. Can you go with me?” “Don’t worry about what to say, the right words will come.”
Encouraging words and someone by our side sometimes makes the impossible seem possible. God puts us in special places to do special things for each other. Be open and eager to act on the opportunity to serve.
Inspired by Acts 22:4-11
Paul said: “I persecuted this Way up to the point of death by binding both men and women and putting them in prison, as the high priest and the whole council of elders can testify about me. From them I also received letters to the brothers in Damascus, and I went there in order to bind those who were there and to bring them back to Jerusalem for punishment. While I was on my way and approaching Damascus, about noon a great light from heaven suddenly shone about me. I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?’ I answered, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ Then he said to me, ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth whom you are persecuting.’ Now those who were with me saw the light but did not hear the voice of the one who was speaking to me. I asked ‘What am I to do, Lord?’ The Lord said to me, “Get up and go to Damascus; there you will be told everything that has been assigned to you to do.’ Since I could not see because of the brightness of that light, those who were with me took my hand and led me to Damascus.”
“I’m afraid to go by myself. Can you go with me?” “Don’t worry about what to say, the right words will come.”
Encouraging words and someone by our side sometimes makes the impossible seem possible. God puts us in special places to do special things for each other. Be open and eager to act on the opportunity to serve.
Inspired by Acts 22:4-11
Paul said: “I persecuted this Way up to the point of death by binding both men and women and putting them in prison, as the high priest and the whole council of elders can testify about me. From them I also received letters to the brothers in Damascus, and I went there in order to bind those who were there and to bring them back to Jerusalem for punishment. While I was on my way and approaching Damascus, about noon a great light from heaven suddenly shone about me. I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?’ I answered, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ Then he said to me, ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth whom you are persecuting.’ Now those who were with me saw the light but did not hear the voice of the one who was speaking to me. I asked ‘What am I to do, Lord?’ The Lord said to me, “Get up and go to Damascus; there you will be told everything that has been assigned to you to do.’ Since I could not see because of the brightness of that light, those who were with me took my hand and led me to Damascus.”
My Blessings Are Many
My Blessings are Many
“If only I had a husband. I wouldn’t be so lonely.” “I don’t want to work. I just want to win the lotto.” “Let them get their own basketball. This is mine that I brought from home.”
You have a multitude of blessings now. Spend your valuable time enjoying and sharing what God has already given you. He is known to be a giver. Smile, you have so much to look forward to.
Inspired by Mark 4:21-25
He said to them, “Is a lamp brought in to be put under the bushel basket, or under the bed, and not on the lampstand? For there is nothing hidden, except to be disclosed; nor is anything secret, except to come to light. Let anyone with ears to hear listen!” And he said to them, “Pay attention to what you hear; the measure you give will be the measure you get, and still more will be given you. For to those who have, more will be given; and from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away.”
“If only I had a husband. I wouldn’t be so lonely.” “I don’t want to work. I just want to win the lotto.” “Let them get their own basketball. This is mine that I brought from home.”
You have a multitude of blessings now. Spend your valuable time enjoying and sharing what God has already given you. He is known to be a giver. Smile, you have so much to look forward to.
Inspired by Mark 4:21-25
He said to them, “Is a lamp brought in to be put under the bushel basket, or under the bed, and not on the lampstand? For there is nothing hidden, except to be disclosed; nor is anything secret, except to come to light. Let anyone with ears to hear listen!” And he said to them, “Pay attention to what you hear; the measure you give will be the measure you get, and still more will be given you. For to those who have, more will be given; and from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away.”
How Great Thou Art!
“Nah man, he’s not better than me. I don’t know what went wrong. I was on the top of my game.” “Why did she inherit all that property? She can’t even wipe her own nose.” The voting must have been fixed. Nobody at this school even likes him.”
God blesses the underdog, less fortunate, and the least popular too. And it can sting our ego and burst our ballooned self-esteem. Even more, our arrogant pride can show off our less likable trait “greediness.” But does it sting enough to put us in our proper place?
Be happy for those that God blesses. Rather than down playing another’s successes, recognition and gifts, give praise to God that He thought them special enough to reward and thank God for giving you the opportunity to witness His greatness.
Inspired by 1 Corinthians 1:26-31
Consider your own calling, brothers and sisters.
Not many of you were wise by human standards,
not many were powerful,
not many were of noble birth.
Rather, God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise,
and God chose the weak of the world to shame the strong,
and God chose the lowly and despised of the world,
those who count for nothing,
to reduce to nothing those who are something,
so that no human being might boast before God.
It is due to him that you are in Christ Jesus,
who became for us wisdom from God,
as well as righteousness, sanctification, and redemption,
so that, as it is written,
“Whoever boasts, should boast in the Lord.”
God blesses the underdog, less fortunate, and the least popular too. And it can sting our ego and burst our ballooned self-esteem. Even more, our arrogant pride can show off our less likable trait “greediness.” But does it sting enough to put us in our proper place?
Be happy for those that God blesses. Rather than down playing another’s successes, recognition and gifts, give praise to God that He thought them special enough to reward and thank God for giving you the opportunity to witness His greatness.
Inspired by 1 Corinthians 1:26-31
Consider your own calling, brothers and sisters.
Not many of you were wise by human standards,
not many were powerful,
not many were of noble birth.
Rather, God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise,
and God chose the weak of the world to shame the strong,
and God chose the lowly and despised of the world,
those who count for nothing,
to reduce to nothing those who are something,
so that no human being might boast before God.
It is due to him that you are in Christ Jesus,
who became for us wisdom from God,
as well as righteousness, sanctification, and redemption,
so that, as it is written,
“Whoever boasts, should boast in the Lord.”
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Rest, Peace and Quiet - A God Sent!
Rest, Peace and Quiet – A God Sent!
“I was livid. But then I sat alone in my room and after a while a peace came over me.” “I had lost all hope and ideas were nil. But after a good night’s sleep my plan was clearer.”
When you go through trials and tribulations step back away from the situation. When the smoke clears and when the flames burn down to a flicker, the hope, solutions and the clarity are God sent.
Inspired by Mark 6:45-52
Immediately he made his disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side, to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd. After saying farewell to them, he went up on the mountain to pray. When evening came, the boat was out on the sea, and he was alone on the land. When he saw that they were straining at the oars against an adverse wind, he came toward them early in the morning, walking on the sea. He intended to pass them by. But when they saw him walking on the sea, they thought it was a ghost and cried out; for they all saw him and were terrified. But immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid. Then he got into the boat with them and the wind ceased. And they were utterly astounded, for they did not understand about the loaves, but their hearts were hardened.
“I was livid. But then I sat alone in my room and after a while a peace came over me.” “I had lost all hope and ideas were nil. But after a good night’s sleep my plan was clearer.”
When you go through trials and tribulations step back away from the situation. When the smoke clears and when the flames burn down to a flicker, the hope, solutions and the clarity are God sent.
Inspired by Mark 6:45-52
Immediately he made his disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side, to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd. After saying farewell to them, he went up on the mountain to pray. When evening came, the boat was out on the sea, and he was alone on the land. When he saw that they were straining at the oars against an adverse wind, he came toward them early in the morning, walking on the sea. He intended to pass them by. But when they saw him walking on the sea, they thought it was a ghost and cried out; for they all saw him and were terrified. But immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid. Then he got into the boat with them and the wind ceased. And they were utterly astounded, for they did not understand about the loaves, but their hearts were hardened.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Come See About Me
Come See About Me
“Go and see about your brother. I’m busy right now.” “Go and see for yourself. I’ve had enough.”
It has become an unmindful habit for us to instruct our families to “handle it” when we think we are too busy or fed up.
Personally take responsibility for reaching out to see about those who need you. With the best of the core of your heart, “go and see.” Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Inspired by Mark 6:34-44
As he went ashore, he saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things. When it grew late, his disciples came to him and said, “This is a deserted place, and the hour is now very late; send them away so that they may go into the surrounding country and villages and buy something for themselves to eat.” But he answered them, “You give them something to eat.” They said to him, “Are we to go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread, and give it to them to eat?” And he said to them, “Howe many loaves have you? Go and see.” When they had found out, they said, “Five, and two fish.” Then he ordered them to get all the people to sit down in groups on the green grass. So they sat down in groups of hundreds and of fifties. Taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before the people; and he divided the two fish among them all. And all ate and were filled; and they took up twelve baskets full of broken pieces and of the fish. Those had had eaten the loaves numbered five thousand men.
“Go and see about your brother. I’m busy right now.” “Go and see for yourself. I’ve had enough.”
It has become an unmindful habit for us to instruct our families to “handle it” when we think we are too busy or fed up.
Personally take responsibility for reaching out to see about those who need you. With the best of the core of your heart, “go and see.” Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Inspired by Mark 6:34-44
As he went ashore, he saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things. When it grew late, his disciples came to him and said, “This is a deserted place, and the hour is now very late; send them away so that they may go into the surrounding country and villages and buy something for themselves to eat.” But he answered them, “You give them something to eat.” They said to him, “Are we to go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread, and give it to them to eat?” And he said to them, “Howe many loaves have you? Go and see.” When they had found out, they said, “Five, and two fish.” Then he ordered them to get all the people to sit down in groups on the green grass. So they sat down in groups of hundreds and of fifties. Taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before the people; and he divided the two fish among them all. And all ate and were filled; and they took up twelve baskets full of broken pieces and of the fish. Those had had eaten the loaves numbered five thousand men.
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