LIVE LIKE YOU BELIEVE! Godinsight4me is a place where hope, faith, and love intersect and flourish. It is a safe haven to find God and your spirituality for the first time or to increase, re-vive, fuel, intensify, foster, and expand your faith. God loves you! Now let's love our God by loving one another!
Brothers & Sisters In Christ

Monday, December 31, 2012
Truth and Grace In The New Year
Truth and Grace In The New Year
We are not simply born by the joining of our mother and father and lab created through our mother’s womb. We are all born by the miracle and will of God. We can trudge through, weigh and judge our trials and triumphs. We can painstakingly comparing ourselves to man and strive for our own selfish ideals. Or we can acknowledge God’s hand on the result of everything that comes to pass for our personal benefit.
Whether the result of our choices or circumstances is not to our liking or a dream come true, it can never lessen the greatness of God and what He has planned for you. With confidence embrace what you face, celebrate today, and look forward to the highs and lows of tomorrow knowing God’s working behind the scenes for you. God works for the good of all. May you see the truth and behold God’s grace in the New Year!
John 1:1-18
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. He himself was not the light, but he came to testify to the light. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; yet the world did not know him. He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father's only son, full of grace and truth. (John testified to him and cried out, "This was he of whom I said, 'He who comes after me ranks ahead of me because he was before me.'") From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. The law indeed was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God. It is God the only Son, who is close to the Father's heart, who has made him known.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
A Servant In Peace
A Servant In Peace
Will your every desire come to pass? Can you keep your heart from never knowing disappointment? Can you prevent tragedies from occurring in your lifetime? Before your life is over, will you trust in Christ, freely yield your troubles onto Him, and endure all triumphs and trials with faith, joy, hope and love?
In our lives there is much we have no control over. We cannot alter yesterday. We cannot foresee the definitive end result of tomorrow. We cannot improve someone else’s sour attitude.
But today, by our actions, words and deeds we can endeavor to show our trust in the Lord. Our faith can be so much so, that sorrows, tragedies, peaceful moments and extraordinary accomplishments can all be experienced with the same faith, trust, joy, hope and love.
Our inner thoughts will be revealed by our actions, attitudes, words and deeds. We may be able to fool, justify, manipulate, deceive and callously convince one another that what we think, do and speak is right and just. God knows the true you. Well before your life is over, strive to continually trust in the love of Christ, consistently yield your troubles onto Him, and endure all triumphs and trials with growing faith, increasing joy, encouraging hope and love that is contagious. Before God calls you home, pray that you might truthfully pronounce, “Master, I know your Son, I await my calling, I live, a servant in peace.”
Luke 2:22-35
When the time came for their purification according to the law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord (as it is written in the law of the Lord, "Every firstborn male shall be designated as holy to the Lord"), and they offered a sacrifice according to what is stated in the law of the Lord, "a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons." Now there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon; this man was righteous and devout, looking forward to the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit rested on him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Messiah. Guided by the Spirit, Simeon came into the temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him what was customary under the law, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying, "Master, now you are dismissing your servant in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel." And the child's father and mother were amazed at what was being said about him. Then Simeon blessed them and said to his mother Mary, "This child is destined for the falling and the rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be opposed so that the inner thoughts of many will be revealed--and a sword will pierce your own soul too."
Friday, December 28, 2012
Rooting A Fickle And Wandering Spirit
Rooting A Fickle And Wandering Spirit
What will we do to keep our children safe? How far will we go to protect our spouse or family member? Do we do enough to show concern for their welfare, interests and spiritual growth?
Joseph and Mary left their home to protect their child. All things that happened after that were in line with what was written by prophets before Jesus’ time according to the will of God. When God moves a heart He has not made a mistake. When we try to change “His Will” we often endure more pain, more deadened space between our relationships, and the opportunities to acknowledge God’s blessings seem fewer and far between, or even worse ~ nonexistent.
When our hearts nudge us to protect, teach and express our love, let us not mull it over or weigh the pros and cons. For the welfare and promotion of our loved ones, for the spiritual sake of stranger, for the purpose of saving a lost or broken spirit, let us act with quick compassion, love and protection. God moves mountains, softens hardened hearts and opens closed doors for each of us every day! God does not ask us to uproot our families He simply offers us a safe haven to eternally root our often fickle and wandering spirits.
Matthew 2:13-18
Now after they had left, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Get up, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him." Then Joseph got up, took the child and his mother by night, and went to Egypt, and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfil what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet, "Out of Egypt I have called my son." When Herod saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, he was infuriated, and he sent and killed all the children in and around Bethlehem who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had learned from the wise men. Then was fulfilled what had been spoken through the prophet Jeremiah: "A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled, because they are no more."
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Meet Your Faith
Meet Your Faith
When we see the remains of a candy wrapper we know a delightful treat was enjoyed by someone. When we’ve disposed of corn husks we can imagine the savory taste of a meal that had been wrapped inside. In our sorrow we might cling and find comfort in the scent of a loved that may remain on an article of clothing or a scarf. Do we think that there is nothing for us to enjoy or all is lost or gone because all we see are empty wrappings or a memory?
Jesus’ followers continued to believe in Jesus even after death. They did not say, “He is gone now. What good was it all? He is no longer in our midst.” They followed Him to the tomb and still opened it and continued to believe when His body was gone and all that was left was the wrappings from his limbs and head.
We cannot see our spirit that connects us to God. We cannot physically touch our soul where Jesus lives. But we can feel it. When the world throws you a curve ball, stand strong in your beliefs and do not cave in when all else seems to crumble. Nothing can take away a strong and determined spirit. Anyone can imitate the physical action of the sign of the cross. However, only the faithful can feel the power of The Holy Trinity that never fades. Know intimately the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit so that all who look at you may witness the Spirit of Christ. Don’t wait to meet Christ to believe, at that late hour it may be too late to meet your faith.
John 20:2-8
So Mary Magdalene ran and went to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved, and said to them, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him." Then Peter and the other disciple set out and went toward the tomb. The two were running together, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. He bent down to look in and saw the linen wrappings lying there, but he did not go in. Then Simon Peter came, following him, and went into the tomb. He saw the linen wrappings lying there, and the cloth that had been on Jesus' head, not lying with the linen wrappings but rolled up in a place by itself. Then the other disciple, who reached the tomb first, also went in, and he saw and believed.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Our Christmas Tradition
Our Christmas Tradition
The shopping is done, the gifts are wrapped and the food is prepared. It’s time to gather with your family this Christmas and begin, renew or continue with traditions that will last for generations to come.
This Christmas you are invited to share in our family tradition at your home. Invite your guests to bring nativity sets, candles, manger animals, and straw for use for a miniature nativity scene. You may request family and friends to bring a framed picture of a loved one who has passed. Play a beautiful holiday song and lead children in a slow procession into a dim family room and place on a low coffee table offerings and items that have been shared by your guests. Then when a beautiful scene has been created have an adult light the candles and lead your family in prayer while the second song is playing softly.
(song suggestions: Who Would Imagine a King – Whitney Houston (during procession) and Silent Night – Christina Aguilera during a slow reading of “A Christmas Prayer”)
A Christmas Day (Eve) Prayer
Dear God, tonight (today) we offer our Christmas tradition to honor your Son and this special prayer from All Of Us:
We are thankful that on this Day (Eve) of Christmas we, along with millions of people around the world, are celebrating together the miraculous birth of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
We are grateful for our family and friends who have safely traveled near and far to be together on Christmas. Our decorations and beautiful lights serve as gentle reminders of the star filled night of Your son’s birth.
The Christmas tree which represents eternal life is in the midst of our homes putting Christ at the center of our lives --and we pray --together --for His presence every day of the year.
Tonight (Today) we gather around the tree to share the gift of giving and honor Jesus on this glorious holy night (Day).
We thank you Lord for blessing us with food to eat, and acknowledge our gift of abundance while so many others have less or none. We pray that the less fortunate are not forgotten and have received blessings from others who are near them.
We pray that we become compassionate people that will serve one another and please you.
We offer this (new) tradition tonight (today) as a reminder to ourselves and to our future heirs that we desire to share and will strive to keep alive in our spirits the “true meaning of Christmas” for generations to come.
It is through Christ’s birth and resurrection that we have hope of reuniting with all those who have gone before us -- and who will go after us to their rest, especially . . .
[name all the departed (show brief slide show if you are able] or ask children to walk around room with framed pictures,
and all others who have gone to their rest in the hope of rising again.
Dear Jesus,
We pray that through God’s grace they are in Your midst celebrating the mystery of your birth, for everyday in Heaven is Christmas and that every person who passes from this earth will be in your divine presence.
On this Holy night we pray together for the world to be at peace and united in love and that the spirit of Christmas will live on in our daily lives through our acts of kindness, compassion and love.
Jesus, we pray in your name, Amen!
Originally Posted by Cecilia Holling at 7:13 AM
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
My Heart Leaped For Joy
We are all sacred fruit of the womb of our mothers. We are all miracles and complete the intended holy family of God. Rise above little and selfish thinking. Let us live, teach and treat each other as virtuous relatives of God’s holy family. Regard family members with kindness and respect. Show interest and give time to the estranged so they would suffer no more. Forgive one another his blunders. Lead back home the one who strays. Offer the strength of your able hands, body and spirit so the weak might have hope. Regard one another as regal relatives so that when we hear the sound of another’s greeting, our hearts might leap for joy!
Luke 1:39-45
In those days Mary set out and went with haste to a Judean town in the hill country, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the child leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and exclaimed with a loud cry, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And why has this happened to me, that the mother of my Lord comes to me? For as soon as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leaped for joy. And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfilment of what was spoken to her by the Lord."
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Enjoy Who God Puts In Your Midst
Enjoy Who God Puts In Your Midst
Wherever you are take time to acknowledge the good in people. Every person possesses a gift from God and is capable of contributing talents, assistance and caring traits to a hurting world. Lovingly acknowledge others offering sight to blind attitudes, imparting healing on a broken heart, and hope to an unhappy soul. Keep your own spirit roused, soul spiritually fed and heart gentle so that you can recognize, teach and enjoy who God puts in your midst.
Imitate What Is Good
Imitate What Is Good
If you object to another’s attitude or behavior ask yourself, “ Why?” If another’s actions are appalling, caringly reproach them. Remove yourself from the midst of an offender if they pay no heed to Godly ways. If necessary detach yourself from all association of a heartless sinner. If another’s mindset is righteous in deed, but without humbleness in speech, be weary. If you encounter those who are genuinely kind, considerate, compassionate, charitable, joyful and peaceful gravitate toward them and imitate what is good.
Take That Bold Step
Take That Bold Step
Have confidence in what virtuously moves your heart. Be not afraid of advocating strong upright morals. Do not fear what people will say or how they will look upon you for amending your honest ways. Follow through if you feel in your gut it is the right thing to do. When you are being urged by a forceful honorable spirit inside to go against the grain take that bold step. When our actions and deeds align with Jesus’ teachings, we know our journey will be nothing less than victorious.
Matthew 1:18-24
Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. Her husband Joseph, being a righteous man and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace, planned to dismiss her quietly. But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." All this took place to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: "Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel," which means, "God is with us." When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took her as his wife.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Deeds That Mirror Christ
We may mindlessly speak freely and negatively about one another citing the right of speech. We might mechanically judge one another because of our different upbringing and past experiences. We may involuntarily stop short of compassion, charity and love because we did not receive such things. We are all vindicated by our deeds. Care not about what earthly creature is watching or objecting. With spiritual consciousness, care only about imitating Christ. Your deeds that mirror Christ can only be consistently affirming, always forgiving, continually compassionate, boundlessly charitable, and unconditionally expressions of love. Today live your best day yet!
Matthew 11:16-19
Jesus spoke to the crowds, "But to what will I compare this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to one another, 'We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we wailed, and you did not mourn.' For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon'; the Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!' Yet wisdom is vindicated by her deeds."
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Rest For My Soul
Rest For My Soul
There is so much we wrestle with in life. We agonize and place importance on our distressed personal feelings and lack of capabilities. Rather, we can release our burdens by giving them to Christ. We will not experience more than we can bear. Worrying will not allow a weary heart to be refreshed. Discouragement will not lend to a hopeful attitude. Negativity will never meet cheer. If you want rest for your soul, faith in your life, hope in your heart, and joy in your eyes seek the One who can make your burdens light.
Matthew 11:28-30
Jesus said, "Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
The One Who Needs My Love
“The little ones” who get lost should be sought after, found and then all should rejoice. The “little ones” include “big ones” too! Just because adults are grown doesn’t mean they couldn’t use a hand to lead them, a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen, words to encourage, or a place to rest their head. With confidence, leave for a while those who you confidently care for and go after the stray one who needs your love.
Matthew 18:12-14
Jesus said to his disciples: "What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go in search of the one that went astray? And if he finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray. So it is not the will of my father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish."
Sunday, November 25, 2012
A Heavenly Tone Of Voice
A Heavenly Tone Of Voice
“Don’t you know who I am! You can’t help me you’re just an employee. I want to speak to the boss!”
Should our family, civic, consumer or business positions really carry much weight or should our attitudes toward others matter more? Being the head of household, president of a company, or coach of a team comes with much responsibility. It is through our positions, rules, policies, morals and values that we set an example, provide guidance for a smooth and fair business operation, and offer a model for our families, employees and team players.
Jesus said to Pilate, “You say that I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Every who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”
Reserve your screaming for watching a horror movie, an amusement park rollercoaster ride or scaring off an intruder. Preserve your indifferent attitude for the days temptation is knocking at your door. Safeguard your voice in your home, work place or on the playing field to promote human dignity, Godly life lessons, edifying decency and the golden rule.
When someone hears your tone let it testify to only God’s truth as heard through the voice of Jesus. Turn up your heavenly tone of voice!
“Thank you for the clarification of the store’s policy. Your help today is much appreciated.”
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Greet All Your Days WithThankfulness
Every day is a day to be thankful. Every moment is a time that can be cherished. Every positive thought and heartfelt prayer has the ability to help and heal. Everyone has the gift of forgiveness from God to make good on bad deeds and the grace to make right the next opportunities to be a blessing.
Live boldly in love so that your heart greets all your days in thankfulness.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 19, 2012
The Blessing Of A New Morning
The Blessing Of A New Morning
The blessing of a new morning always brings hope and a fresher perspective on things we worried over yesterday. Engaging in quiet prayer allows us to hear God assure us that only He has control over every detail of our lives. He asks us to accept with faith that He will do what “He wills.” Give sincerely from the heart, support one another openly, and as God forgives us, forgive all their trespasses. When we do these things we can with hope and trust leave the rest to God.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Love And Forgiveness Pleases God
Love and Forgiveness Pleases God
How often have we cringed and remained silent after someone speaks because what they have said is right out offensive or immoral? How many times have we watched a loved one disrespect another in the household and we’ve said nothing. Do you have a child who has no regard for authority, speaks with an unclean mouth and gossips with no reproachful utterance from you? How many times have we been asked for forgiveness of repeated offenses? How many times must we forgive?
”Mommy why is that man pulling that lady’s arm like that? Why doesn’t she say something?” “Never mind honey. You’re too young to understand.”
Jesus warned, “Occasions for stumbling are bound to come, but woe to anyone by whom they come! It would be better for you if a millstone were hung around your neck and you were thrown into the sea than for you to cause one of these little ones to stumble.” “And if the same person sins against you seven times a day, and turns back to you seven times and says, ’I repent,’ you must forgive.”
It’s human nature to avoid confrontation. But should we be more fearful of each other rather than the wrath of God?
Talk together about morals, values, and righteous behavior when everyone is at peace. Then we might have a better chance at addressing each other’s shortcomings when we need to contest another’s actions. Meditating and praying daily over our experiences and faults would certainly make us more mindful of our dishonest and hurtful actions. When we are the ones who need reprimanding could we be so bold as to call ourselves out in front of our loved ones? Imagine how much more effective a practice that would be to confess to others in your home about what you have wrongfully done, what you have failed to do, and your declaration to improve thoughtful deeds, encouraging actions, positive responses and constructive thoughts. How adults behave, the way we speak, even our mannerisms have a direct effect on each other and especially will influence how children will respond and imitate us.
”Mommy why is that man pulling that lady’s arm like that? Why doesn’t she say something?”
“Sweetheart, that’s not the way people should treat each other. They should talk about treating each other better. If you notice that me or Daddy are treating each other not so nice, talk to us. We all make mistakes. But when we sin we need to realize it and then it’s our job to do what pleases God.” “Mommy, what pleases God?” “Love and forgiveness, baby. Love and forgiveness pleases God.”
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Generosity Of The Heart
Generosity Of The Heart
“We had a very successful food drive for the poor. And we had enough thank you gifts for the donors. It’s a shame that we received so much in expired canned goods.”
There are many instances in life that we have opportunities to give. And when we do we might examine from what place in the heart we are giving. Are we pulling goods for the needy from our pantries knowing their expiration has passed? Are we re-gifting our most unlikable item as a symbol of our love? Are we spending time with a family while looking at our watch?
Jesus sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. He said to his disciples, ”For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.”
To give does not necessarily mean that we must give so much that it makes us uncomfortable. But when we give it should have a true honest value to the recipient. Have you ever shared half your meal when you didn’t know where your next meal was coming from? Have you ever given $10 to a person in need when you only had $20 left for the week or month?
Many of us can probably recall a time when we were financially strapped and someone reached out to help. We might recollect a day when we needed someone’s home as a temporary refuge from a difficult relationship and we were provided a shoulder to cry on, a warm plate of food, and a place to rest our weary head.
We should all treasure what we have and when we can share from what we hold dear. When you think you can’t give you probably won’t. When you believe that God will supply you with all you need, you will freely give with generosity of the heart.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Faithful In Little And Much
Faithful In Little And Much
“If you can’t trust me now to speak to your parents, how will you have faith in me when I become your spouse?”
If we take complete control over all things in our lives how will we ever have faith or trust in another? Faith in a spouse, child, friend or stranger is necessary when we lack patience, skill or understanding. Trust is needed when teaching, coaching, schooling, and developing fruitful relationships. Faith is a must in granting someone another chance to remedy a situation. Trust and faith in God’s ability to move mountains in our lives is imperative especially when we can’t seem to move over a little mount in our paths.
There are many opportunities in a day for us to begin to learn to trust each other. People need opportunities to mature and are often asking us to have faith in them. Ironically with control we may be habitually displaying hurt or distrust resulting from a past relationship or situation. Our skepticism and faithless attitudes may be masked by hardened emotions and sometimes keep us from confiding, believing and relying upon one another.
So that we may enjoy the true riches of God’s plan for our lives we can start with small dedicated steps. Our exercise and acceptance of the gift of family and friends will free us to travel on our new course. This journey will call for small and great tests of faith and earned trust in the people in our lives. With time and baby steps our confidence will grow and we will be able to graduate on to bigger strides. Our progress may be witnessed in the simplicity of a child washing the dishes for the first time or the difficultly of entrusting our neighbor to care for our sick child while we attend to an urgent matter.
With practicality and reasonableness we can fulfill our obligations and charitable contributions as a citizen, friend, parent, child and spouse. Over time we will experience improved self-assurance as we learn to rely on our spiritual gifts and God given human talents and intellect.
With confidence, trust and faith in God and ourselves we can successfully and skillfully embrace our strengths, redirect our fears and accept our inadequacies. Inherently, we are designed with a divine sense of righteousness. Poised in this enriching and holy position we can trustingly and faithfully forfeit dominance of doubt and control and allow others to do what they can to participate, contribute and experience fulfilling human and spiritual growth. Our personal recompense will not be necessarily seen by others or material riches but rather experienced by our divine soul and touched intimately in our gift of The Holy Spirit.
Life will certainly not be perfect. However, it is in life’s imperfections, mistakes and limitations that we will see God’s flawless immense blessings in our lives. We cannot serve God and each other with little faith.
With faith and trust let us serve God and each other in little and much, so that we will enjoy true wealth in the riches of God’s blessings seen through trials, triumphs, tranquility and acts of human beings.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Change? Bring It On!
Change? Bring It On!
“They forced me to change everything*^#@! I did it, but I don’t have to be happy about it and neither do you!”
When change comes knocking at our door, in our place of business or in our relationships we can embrace the change, be a silent angry lion or fight it boldly tooth and nail!
Ideally change is designed to improve a situation, fix a matter when all else fails, or trying something new when old ways just aren’t working. Of course, the other possibility is that someone is simply trying to sabotage a situation or ruin a relationship most often out of jealousy. It seems that misery loves company. And unhappiness strikes by breeding dissention and trouble!
When we are confronted with change and we feel immediately spiteful we must learn to quickly acknowledge this feeling and ask, “Why? Why do I feel antagonist? Why am I angry when I look at a particular individual? Why is this so upsetting to me?”
The answers can be many and very often will make us feel uncomfortable. It could be that the new way is something foreign to us and it would require a new skill, education, or a modified mindset. It might be that this change is something we’ve always despised. We might also note that a consistent negative attitude toward an individual or the task at hand might remind us of someone or something from our past. We might even be scared of rejection or failure.
Jesus said, “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”
Are we fighting against something that is good? Are we wrestling because of personal insecurities? Are we waging a war simply because of the fear of the unknown?
It is important that we find out why we are struggling with the thought of change. Once we get our answers, then and only then can we move forward and embrace the change that is designed for unity, uniformity, advancement, increase or improvement.
Let us leave anger at the threshold of the door. When we relapse we can walk away to recall our new spirited mascot. We can take a walk or meditate breathing in deeply to draw in new happy endorphins. Always exhale with peace in your heart and wave goodbye to all the negativity that could cause you remorse. Learn to more quickly support what was designed for the betterment of all.
With a positive attitude we will allow ourselves room to transform. With an open approach we will see benefits that will permit us to modify our old mindsets. With an optimistic outlook we can be released from our former routines for the betterment of the group or cause. What once held us back will overtime fade into the pessimistic abyss.
Better to work through change with a great attitude than to go through the process anyway and risk being left behind, become bitter or be replaced.
All those who work together toward advancement will reap great rewards. The only unhappy ones will be those who contest. In the end the rebel will be unhappier than the first day he heard the good news!
“That’s great news! I’m happy to be a part of the change and excitement. I can’t wait to get started!”
Sunday, October 7, 2012
How I Know God Loves Me
How I Know God Loves Me
Everything is wrong in my life. How can I believe that there is a God who loves me?
Every morning we wake up and yesterday has worked out itself. The result or progress made may be to our liking or loathing. If yesterday had gone the way we planned, we would probably be seeing a greedy and self-serving result.
The answers to our desires and prayers are not by any sole doings of our own. There is no way that we can soften a hardened heart, make charitable the selfish, or sway the unconquerable. We could not possibly put all the players in their proper place, the perfect words in their mouths, nor make stronger or weaker the attitudes that would make our circumstances workout in agreement. It is by the grace of God that all things work out as they do.
We can look back over our trials and agree that in the end the result was best for us. Often the outcome was not anything we would have dreamed up for ourselves. How few times in our lives are we brought to our knees over the great and miraculous mercies of God that we’ve witnessed? Can you recall a time that your world seemed to have crumbled, feeling as though you’ve lost control of your finances, relationships, or home? Have you ever felt so powerless, defenseless and incapable that you fell to your knees, not in prayer, but striking with anger to the God that loves you? “If you loved me Lord, why would you make these things happen?”
When the storm has passed and the sea of our lives is calm again, it is then that we often pray confidently in thankfulness to the God that loves us. Could our thankfulness be deeper than a superficial prayer? Could we reach more profoundly into our souls so that we may with awe and trepidation acknowledge the greatness of our God? Could we be so bold and humbled to speak to God as Job did, ““I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eyes see you; therefore I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes.”
We need only feel this way once to learn that God is in charge. We are children of God. And being His children we should not allow ourselves to come between us and the love God offers.
“O How I Know God Loves Me.”
Friday, October 5, 2012
God Is Our Witness
God Is Our Witness
“No one will know what I’ve done. There are no witnesses.”
If we have been deceitful our conscience tells us it’s wrong. If we are not faithless, there is a sting and wrenching in the pit of our stomach that cuts deeper than being caught. Earthly witnesses, or not, the wicked evidence is there being recorded in our souls.
The effects of our bad behavior upon another can perhaps fade with time. We may be grateful that others have softened after many years as they witnessed a turnaround in our lifestyle. We might hope that others will turn the other cheek and pretend that nothing has happened.
In the bible Job shares this, ”O that my words were written down! O that they were inscribed in a book! O that with an iron pen and with lead they were engraved on a rock forever!”
We need not put all our thought into what others think or whether they know what we’ve done in secret. God knows.
God knows what happened yesterday. He knows what will transpire today. God knows what we will do tomorrow. There is a witness who will know what we’ve done.
When we rise in the morning, a new page is being turned in our book. As we go through our day, our thoughts, acts and deeds are being recorded with an iron pen. When we lye our head down to sleep at night that is when the “period” is placed at the end of our day’s accounts.
Every day we have an opportunity to open our hearts to God. In every situation we have a chance to reject sinfulness. In every prayer we have a God who can forgive us.
Let us live daily by God’s word. God is our witness. God is miraculous and merciful. Because God loves us, with each new circumstance, He holds His iron pen, and with hope waits for us to show Him we’ve altered our ways.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
A New Day To Make Things Right
A New Day To Make Things Right
“You want to rehash everything! You make me want to pull my hair out!”
It’s aggravating and tiresome when we are trying to move forward and someone is living in the broken past. Moving forward with what seems like stubborn people in our lives can feel like it sucking the life out of us. However, in all our righteousness we may need to take time to reassess ourselves. We might humbly confirm that we are on the right track. However, shockingly, we may discover and might have to own up to the fact that we are “the difficult one.”
Human behavior is not perfect. At one time or another we will find ourselves involved in a challenging and less than praiseworthy relationship. Challenge, however, should not keep us from trying to move toward a more Christ-like life.
At the heart of Christ is love. If love is not a recognizable element of our behavior then it’s time to break down the wall that keeps love from emerging.
Our unkind or naively learned behavior was probably acquired from our youth and past difficult relationships. We may have developed hurtful, insensitive and tactless defenses in order to survive emotionally. However, today we can take meaningful baby steps to “grow up spiritually.” With hope, love, forgiveness and faith at the heart of our successes, failures and tranquility, these new steps and this new walk will be one of love as we grow into our spiritual adulthood.
Reverting back into trying to fix yesterday is futile. We must live today in a manner that will restore health and spiritual wellness into our relationships.
The heart yearns to hear the words “I’m sorry.” The human body is starved for a hug that says “I love you.” But past these transitory emotional and physical consolations, what keeps us meaningfully, humanly and spiritually moving forward?
Our words must resonate with compassion and caring for our neighbor. Our deeds should reflect hearts reared in love. Our thoughts must translate into visible transformation of a disciple for Christ.
When our attempts to work together at raising our morals, standards and values fail we may have to sadly move forward spiritually without our loved ones. However, as we move forward in growth on our spiritual journey, we must pray and hope that one day by our faith-filled promising example our loved ones may grow with us.
Hope filled actions speak louder than words. Compassionate deeds move the heart. Faithful efforts heal brokenness over time.
Jesus asked some people to follow Him. The response was on more than one occasion, “Let me first say farewell to those at my home.” Jesus does not ask us to leave people behind. However, we must leave all our excuses behind in order to know Him, follow Him and to proclaim the kingdom of God.
Our aim is to live here, on God earthly kingdom, in love and to serve one another. Forgive yourself and your neighbor for yesterday. Today is a new day to make things right.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
The Grace of Perseverance
The Grace Of Perseverance
“You’ll never have anything if you give up now!”
How often have we heard about the rewards of perseverance? Being determined, insistent and to have firm resolve typically has success written all over it.
However, by our harsh insistence we may be breaking down the spirit of an individual. By our callous firmness we may be withholding the life that God has planned for us. By our hardhearted determination we risk being blinded and stuck in a human impractical rut.
Possessing and using the gift of our “grace of perseverance” will not get us everything we want but rather will allow us to experience all that God desires for us.
By our holy insistence we may be hated. By our moral firmness we might be rejected. By our upright determination we would be going against the grain. Yes, the grace of perseverance will not sit well with the evil of this world. By using our gift, God’s grace of perseverance, the world cannot ruin the way to eternal life.
Friday, September 28, 2012
The Seasons Of Life
The Seasons Of Life
I’d really like to talk to you about this, but now is not the right time. I’m grieving.”
There is much in our lives that requires the assistance or attention of another to get a job done, to resolve a matter or to address a relationship. Whether it be in the workplace or in the home.
Knowing when to push forward with insistence and when to back off can be described as a real art.
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. We are part of God’s kingdom on earth. Therefore, all our matters are those under heaven. In our lives let us pray to be able to see clearly the matters that we must bear on our own and those that must be shared and that which must involve others.
Pray also that we are sensitive to the seasons of life. Be attentive to when we must breakdown or build up, weep or laugh, mourn or dance, speak or be silent.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
God Knows The Truth
God Knows The Truth
“Don’t you put words in my mouth!” How offensive it is when someone takes what we’ve said out of context. We can so easily substitute words for that of the original. We may do this ignorantly or intentionally. A naïve heart could be understood and forgiven but a malicious heart is difficult to understand. Even adding a simple word like “and” can change the context of our whole thought. We may choose to change the meaning of another’s opinion by emphasizing a word that can change the intent, perhaps attempting to prove our own ill intended actions true.
We may be bold enough to try manipulating human beings into believing our version of the truth. However, we are cautioned to not be so bold with God. We are reminded in Proverbs 30 that, “Every word of God proves true. Do not add to his words or he will rebuke you, and you will be found a liar.”
We must align our behavior with each other to coincide with how we treat God’s word. It is not wise to toggle back and forth, lest we forget to whom we are speaking to. We may fool one another, but God knows the truth.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
A Model Of Love
A Model of Love
“You spend way too much time with her. I know she’s sick, but we are your family!”
We all may not have equal amounts of compassion nor may we have similar ideas about how to care about people.
When Jesus’ mother and brothers could not reach Him because of the crowd, He was told, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside wanting to see you.” But He said to them, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the Word of God and do it.”
Model yourself after Jesus and raise your family to act with compassion instead of coldness, to be charitable rather than a hindrance, to love deeply so hatred is right out rejected.
“Spend as much time as you need with her. She is sick and needs you. Let us know what we can do to help.”
Sunday, September 23, 2012
A Beautiful Gift
A Beautiful Gift
“What a beautiful gift, thank you.” We can spend much time choosing the ideal gift for someone. And when we have found it something inside us says, “Yes, this is it. It’s perfect.” And when we receive the perfect gift we might say, “Wow! How did you know?”
There is no shopping required to receive or share the gift given to each of us by God. However, many of us are not quite sure what our special gift is.
With our humility we can begin by untying the bow of our spirit believing there is something special inside. As our faith and patience develops we can examine and enjoy the exquisite design of the wrapping that authenticates that God only creates beautiful things. With our gentleness we can tenderly remove the wrapping to unveil the glorious gift inside. And when we finally see and recognize our unique gift that was chosen just for us, a joyful satisfaction will prickle our bodies and our minds will be delighted and awed by the thoughtfulness of God and His great grace.
“Each of us was given grace according to the measure of Christ’s gift.” Share your gift of faith, love and hope and enjoy the part you’ll take in building up the body of Christ.
“Thank you Lord. What a beautiful gift.”
Monday, September 3, 2012
Welcome To An Extraordinary Day
Rise n‘ Shine. 6AM and your hand easily beats the alarm as your guardian angel protecting your heart, mind and soul shares your sentiment “it’s a beautiful day!” Your body is rested and you are ready to get out of bed to serve and enjoy your purpose. Strong rested muscles are celebrating the dawn of a new day communicating with your brain, “Yeah, let’s move,” while a host of angels are singing their glorious song that leads you toward a purpose-filled rise from bed.
You didn’t have to ask their opinion. The angels that have been assigned to you know of your blessings. Then hearing God’s voice call your name you have faith there’s a reason for you to rise today. So sit up, put your feet on the floor and look ahead because there are blessings in store. Welcome to an extraordinary day created by God for you!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Everything Is Right In My Life
Everything Is Right In My Life
Why do we worry about the wrong things. “When will I ever get a break? Nothing every goes right.” “I so tired of caring for people, I just want to be left alone.”
Our focus always seems to be seeking places where we are not. We might ask ourselves, “If we got what we wanted would we really be happy or would we then be searching yet for something else?”
It is good and invigorating to dream, have goals and aspirations but where is the gratitude for where we are now. The world has stooped to complaints, comparing and sucking out the energy of life.
Take pleasure in how rich your life has been thus far. See your past challenges as ways that God has been able to show you his great mercies. Note your accomplishments and with humbleness acknowledge how God gave you an incredible mind, acute intuition, an extraordinary conscience, and a heart that is capable of so much more love than you could ever imagine. And to think that in times where human efforts were impossible God was there for you with graces and mercies.
All the trails you’ve blazed were for a great purpose. All the evil you’ve faced was for the righteous hand of God to shine. All you will experience today are other opportunities to attend to matters of justice and mercy and faith.
Everything is right in your life if you submit to the will of God.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Nothing Wrong With Making It Right
Nothing Wrong With Making It Right
It is easy to look at someone else’s circumstances and see where changes should be made. It’s also seemingly unproblematic to ask another to change their attitude for the sake of harmony and peace.
“Just forgive your friend, she never meant to harm you.” “How can you ask me to do that when you haven’t forgiven your own brother for something he never said?”
When we are close to a situation our vision may be acutely impaired. When someone can call us out on our morals and values a re-examination of our principles is necessary.
Let’s move toward putting our egos aside and ask God to help us seek the truth. We may hear His voice in the silence of our prayers or a message might be heard loud and clear through a person whose insight hits us hard in the gut.
There is nothing wrong with admitting we were shortsighted. In fact, there is everything right about reconciling with one’s self and with others.
With trust we can go through a series of personal challenging questions and ponder them until our bodies physically react. When we hit home we’ll feel a pained heart, a headache, nerves jump, numbness in our limbs, or our gut will heat up.
However, when we’ve made it right peace will envelope our beings, joy will tickle our hearts and the love of God will keep us pressing forward in growth and strength.
Let us work together toward our divine sense of self. In acknowledging our errors we can begin to make humble strides toward changing our ways. Most of all, we can live affirming there is a God whose presence is in our lives.
We all have the divine light and spirit of God within us. Let us choose to live in that divine light.
There is nothing wrong with making it right!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Good Can Come From This
Good Can Come From This
How often have we asked, “Can anything good come out of this?” Our human unconvinced mind would skeptically respond, “Let’s wait and see.” But how would a faithful heart respond? “Come and see!”
Assurances come when we see with clarity a resolution, an expected response, or an intelligent explanation. We can easily agree after we’ve relied on seeing a tangible answer.
“It turned out okay this time. But you can never be too sure.” After a proven solution to a problem, the post-healing of a child, or a promotion already enjoyed are not the results of acts of faith, but rather conditional trust and provisional thinking. A faithful heart would have confidence that good can come from any circumstance because it believed in the love of God. Even if the response we are humanly looking for is not in harmony with our own desires, our faith drives us to push away earthly thinking and move toward divine reasoning.
With faith, move through the activities of your day with trust that the Lord, God, knows what you need. “Can anything good come out of this?” “Oh yes! Come and let’s see together!”
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Living Like I Have A God
Living Like I Have A God
Every morning as we rise after a night’s rest we have a clean slate. To more fully receive what God gives us daily, a renewed body, His spirit within us, clean from all sin of yesterday, we must live like we have a God.
Are we living in such a way that we notice that we have a God?
God wants to give us many things. However, if we view life from a half empty cup, we will always be half empty. Our attitude toward our full lives will set the tone for our full spirit. If we live selfishly we will not receive much to sustain us. However, if we think and act generously we will reap many rewards.
Our rewards may not be in the form of material goods, although that is possible. Living with an alive God in our hearts allows our emotions to be touched so deeply, that we are able to reach out further than ourselves.
When we live in that way, giving unto others, and realizing that God offers us unceasingly forgiveness, hope, love and miracles every day, then and only then can we feel like we are His people, and He is our God.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Be Satisfied With What You Have
Be Satisfied With What You Have
Making comparisons seems to be human nature. However, in our quest to make comparisons we can be pretty brutal to one another; especially when we are envious of what the other has. We might say things like “You won the lotto! Why did you buy that lady a car, you don’t even know her! I’m your own child you should be buying me things!’ “Why did she get what I did, she didn’t do anything!” “Thank you all for being here and lining up alphabetically. Now we’ll start checking you in and we’ll begin from the letter Z.”
Wow, we can be pretty tough to take. There is a certain sense of entitlement that comes across in these kinds of emotional reactions. Why do we feel entitled and make comparisons with each other over the gifts we receive?
If we look at the lives around us, there is no one whose life is equal to ours. We have different degrees of needs, status, money, and material goods. We might be completely unaware of our attitudes, but much of the time we place of lot of focus on envy of another individual.
Rather than being happy for the lady that received a car from a stranger, who saw that she walked her children for miles to get to school, who hand-carried groceries home, we criticize her and/or the giver. Why would we talk down about the person who saw a need and sought to fill it? Why would we be jealous of how someone else spent their money?
Have you ever had a little extra cash and felt the urge to treat somebody to something nice? Perhaps you took grandma out for a meal, took a toddler shopping for a new toy, or your treated your dad to the latest technology gadget. One might say, “That was nice of you.” But what might we hear when others learn that you bought your friend season tickets to his favorite professional baseball team? It seems that when “nice” goes past a certain monetary value our eyes stop seeing nice and go straight for envy.
What happens to siblings when mom and dad buy a home for the youngest child and not for the others? What if the parents thought, “Before we die we want to know all our children are taken care of.” Suppose they assessed the needs of their children and decided for one they set up a college fund, for another bought a car for a grandchild, for another bought a house, and for their handicapped child set up a trust fund to help her through the rest of her life. How quickly would the siblings begin to judge circumstances, compare the value of the gifts, speak negatively toward one another and even stop speaking period.
God wants us all to enjoy a good and fruitful life and enjoy an abundance of good things. He gives us each what we need. However, what I need is different from my sister’s needs, your needs, or a friend’s needs.
We must do what we can to remain humble and enjoy the blessings that were designed for us and be satisfied. We then can perhaps with a good pure heart be happy for another who may seem to have more than you. Our gifts do not necessarily have to be material, food or a monetary gift. Our gift can come in the form of time shared and love expressed. There is no reward in walking through life looking for a handout. There are many intangible things that are priceless treasures that don’t cost us a penny; be a generous giver of such gifts and a humble receiver.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
God Is Waiting For All His Children
God Is Waiting For All His Children
When do we bring little children or our grown children to The Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Have we limited their relationship with The Holy Trinity to a blessing at birth, baptism in the church, for healing at the height of an illness and for mercy at death? Have we instructed and raised them to show reverence on their knees and seek peace and prayer each morning, night and many times throughout the busy days? Do we take them or do they on their own attend God’s earthly house, the church, in remembrance, reconciliation and do they partake in Holy Communion with Jesus which connects us to God? Do they know to genuflect before the Holy Eucharist and the depth and miracle of Jesus’ Cross? Are they familiar with the place that God holds for them in Heaven?
Have we taught our children that God is everywhere and that we must nurture the place in our spirit that connects us to Him? Do they realize that God is love and that the love we show to others is pleasing to Him? Do they realize that God created the earth and all living things that dwell on it and that our lives are gifts to be cherished? Do they know that they should reject all evil for evil is not a part of God’s plan for our lives? Do they realize that our bodies are temples and they should be cared for by healthy food, exercise, righteous behavior, prayerful thoughts, rest, and purity of mind and spirit? Do they know what it means to remain wholesome, unblemished, and without disfigurement? Are they aware that we must continually work to heal and make ourselves strong in the physical, psychological, and spiritual realms?
We are all a work in progress and each day we have precious opportunities to improve our past selves. Let us walk toward God, The Son and the Holy Spirit with trust, innocence, and gaiety and with delight to be disciples of Jesus.
As we focus on the awe and wonder of God, let us prepare our eyes to witness and trust a faith-filled life, our hearts to discover divinity in its core, and our soul to pursue its most rewarding holy quest.
What we do matters. If we make The Holy Trinity an intricate part of our lives and believe with all our heart, mind, body and soul that anything is possible with God, so will our children. It is human nature to become distracted and in times of despair allow our Savior Jesus Christ to drift from our minds. However, deep daily practicing faith will bring hope and a living and saving Christ back to the center of our hearts.
Let’s use our God given gifts, time and breathe on His children. “For it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”
Friday, August 17, 2012
Be An Inspiring Member Of The Church
Be An Inspiring Member Of The Church
Inappropriate behavior. Have you ever felt a cringing feeling in the pit of your stomach when you know you’ve mindlessly said something hurtful, or spoke up sounding crude and jovial when the mood was solemn?
"We are at a funeral, not a comedy show. Quiet yourselves.” “Do you mind if I finish talking? You’ll get your turn when I am through.” “I can’t believe you came dressed to church like that. You look like you’re going to the beach!”
Infringing rudely on someone else time, behaving inappropriately at a solemn service, or dressing unbecomingly in God’s house are just a few examples of what can be deemed inappropriate behavior.
We can’t assume others know the rules. We can, however, continue to teach anyone whose lives we touch. Even bolder, rebuke those who know better yet defy authority. Our words may not be easily received or immediately acted upon, nor would someone else’s behavior be corrected instantly. But our conscience knows better. Sacred thoughts have a way of striking a chord in our hearts and spirits and have a way of resonating in our minds for years and even a lifetime.
God is present everywhere in our lives. Choose to acknowledge God’s presence before that curse word parts from your lips. Know that He is present whether you are alone or gathered with a group. Teach your family and friends about the reverence of God. Jesus did not permit anyone to sell or take anything in the church that would interfere with the bonding of the mind and heart with God.
The “physical Church” is not the only place that our hearts and minds should be dedicated to prayer, awe, respect and the worshipping of God. “The church” is wherever people are. Where ever you are be an inspiring member of the church! Drive out the idea that God’s world and even more His Church, is a place that people should mindlessly deface.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Seek The Grace of Your Purpose
Embrace tough occasions. Enjoy unexpected pleasures. Seize tender moments. Put people, not things, on your “A list.” Use your love and gifts to console, promote, teach & heal. Our purpose is to be an image of Jesus and use the time we are graced with for God’s greater glory.
Today with good intent, enjoy using the gift of your time to seek the grace of your purpose and bequeath it upon others.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Your Spiritual Journey Will Be Celebrated In Heaven and Story Remembered On Earth
Your Spiritual Journey Will Be Celebrated In Heaven and Story Remembered On Earth
It’s human nature to act on desires of the heart. But what happens when we’re told that our actions are wrong. We may defend taking from an employer citing that, “they have more than enough, they will not miss it.” How would we react to a co-worker who condemns our actions? Would it sit well if a friend cashed our check and took ½ for himself? If a man proclaimed to a single woman that he is unhappily married, she may justify an affair to fulfill her loneliness. How would she respond when called an adulterer? Would she embrace a woman whom came between her and her spouse? If a young child is caught bullying another for his lunch, money or toys, how might he respond to being bullied incessantly?
Many of us have been guilty of acting on selfish desires denying that our deeds are deceitful, ruthless, or hurtful. How different is “a little white lie” to get what we want than a horrific act of violence and hatred without remorse? Is it okay to inflict pain on another because of her dishonest past? Our personal “sinful thoughts” are not exempt and carry great weight into the development of our moral values and faith. When challenged with righteous opposition, how often do concede to good virtue? What keeps anyone from doing what is right and just?
Our spiritual life story is ongoing and our earthly biography and their direction toward our end are in our hands. Our victories are easily recalled and celebrated. However, it’s unsettling to the self-centered heart when our moral conscience is challenged.
Our errors of yesterday are written and cannot be omitted. But our future can be transformed and legacy improved. How we will write our future? Will we live in fear of man or God? Will our egos keep us from admitting we were wrong or will we listen, learn and embrace the gifts of repentance, self-control and our spiritual conscience? God will forgive, love and reward a remorseful heart. Why would we ever fear man or feed an egocentric ego?
Get to know the Holy Spirit that lives in you. Lead boldly as you stand up against sinfulness and self-serving ideals. Self fulfillment lies in your relationship and trust in God through His Son Jesus Christ. As you encounter your daily trials, tribulations and decisions ask, “Jesus, if You were in my shoes, what would You do?” Spend quiet and meaningful time seeking your answers from your Spirit in Christ. Jesus, not man, knows how best to serve, reward and lead you higher.
Graces, blessings and life’s joys are experienced through your faith, trust and hope in Christ. Keep your sight focused on the Lord for you will not be led astray. Follow with confidence in the footsteps of Christ. Your spiritual journey will be celebrated in Heaven and your story remembered on Earth.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Life Is About Giving
Sundays are beautiful. Being in church and visiting the sick is a wonderful privilege. How incredible that dementia can preclude the memory of our past and present yet in the grace of a special moment one can seem intrinsically connected to the conversation, and interesting that different languages can limit communication but that affectionate and compassionate human gestures and mannerisms can speak volumes.
It never ceases to amaze me how those who are ill and perhaps elderly, can still remember prayers, seem to maintain a loving relationship with The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, and continue to graciously remember to thank the church for their Sunday visitation.
And if that were not enough, how wonderful a feeling to hug each person and receive a stranger’s love back, how extraordinary a moment to impart a kiss on their cheek and feel their heartfelt warms lips on my forehead, how tender an experience to hold one’s delicates hands and feel the strength and faith that they have left, and what a bittersweet experience to wipe a tear from their face as one falls down my own.
Life is not about me. Life is for me to give to another. I pray that I, along with the world, not waste our precious time foolishly. Thank you Mary, Valerie, and Caroline – our visit today was a joy and a blessing!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
FOR GREATER GLORY (A Review of the Movie Or A Timely Examination of Faith)
(A Review of the Movie Or A Timely Examination of Faith)
There is no greater testament to one’s beliefs, works, faith, ethics, values, and worth in life than one that stands “For Greater Glory.” In the human realm, greater glory may be likened to the triumph of an Olympic medalist, the honor of a class valedictorian, the winning of a war of power, or the attainment of what equates to the American dream – a business, materials possessions or house that you can call your own. In the spiritual realm, greater glory is far beyond human comprehension. God’s miraculous creation of the world, of His Son, Jesus’ wondrous Resurrection and the Creator and Holder of Our Eternity is something not easily grasped by the human mind. “For Greater Glory”, the movie and true story, has the ability to cause a nonbeliever to raise one’s eyebrows in bold skepticism or pierce and move a spiritual heart that witnesses the blood of many, and most moving, that of a young child and his tortured limbs as he endures great physical pain and emotional anxiety “For The Greater Glory” of his faith.
There is sufficient political dialogue to entertain the atheist and enough biblical subtext to heighten and prod at a believer’s lackluster faith. There is no shortage of ample close ups of driven Mexican rookie and trained soldiers to color the wide screen with compelling performances yet those weary, spirited and faith-filled eyes could easily make a non-practicing Catholic gulp hard. The critics have plenty of vivid and graphic human emotional despair and inhumane killings to keep viewers in their seats and for others a growing temptation to fall to their knees in prayer.
Witnessing this inspiring story of how Mexican Catholics stood up courageously in the 1920’s for their faith against government oppression is a must and may pose an intimate question to many. For the cynic, “Why would people fight for a man they’ve never seen?” Or to the awakening, “Why did I not know how precious is my faith and how can I deepen my passion for The Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit that lives perhaps too latent in my soul?”
Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of the Catholic Church believes that a large box office showing “will highlight the importance of religious freedom in our country.” Check out “For Greater Glory” and see what the hype is all about. Or plan to see “For Greater Glory”, offering your precious time as a gift to your faith so that you might be educated, inspired, and able to acknowledge, pray and give praise and honor to those who fought and continue to fight for religious freedom around the world. For some, it may be j-u-s-t a movie. For others, perhaps a chance to open our hearts to live “For Greater Glory” too.
You may not know what will happen today or tomorrow but it is not God’s plan that you worry. Happen today what may, for there are things you cannot help.
But in all that you do remain hopeful, confident, pressing forward with great faith. Know that God is in control and through your trials He is with you and has great blessings waiting at the finish.
If you must lay awake, close your eyes, rest your body and count your blessings. Expect goodness rather than anticipate difficulties, imagine healing instead of enduring illness, look forward to success eliminating failure as an option, allow hope to drive your deliberations beyond a dead end, and immerse your thoughts in an aspiration instead of an impending disaster.
Refuse to make plans to prepare the heart for trouble. Use your faith to wish the impossible, unite with hope to escape the temptation to doubt, and impart consistent love upon others so that there is no mistake about where your faith lays.
Above all, trust in God’s love, for He is with you through the dark and light valleys, desolate and inhabited plains, and unexplored and charted mountains.
God can make a rose grow where man can’t. He can provide a safe road where it is unpaved. God can soften hearts to work in your favor when human efforts prove fruitless.
Why give clout to a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, when you can be soothed and strengthened by the great elixir of life, Jesus, who came to show that good things come to those who believe!
May all your dreams be sweet, your faith be rooted deep, and your heart excited over that funny feeling inside.
Monday, June 11, 2012
A Spiritual Note To The Graduate
A Spiritual Note To The Graduate
Graduation is a time of joy, bittersweet tears, and a time you’ll treasure for many years! Through your life you will often reflect on your past. Knowing where you’ve been and mindful of how you continue to grow will shape your bright future. Celebrate today, at this wonderful crossroads of your life, where your past intersects your future and your potential beams and lights the way like a stellar galaxy yet to be discovered.
As you walk forward, with your diploma of life thus far, draw on your knowledge, learn from failures and successes and celebrate today aiming higher into tomorrow with confidence as you discover your life’s calling and move toward your aspirations.
Take many moments to honor your growth, character and faith, giving thanks when you recognize divine life lessons. Celebrate as you grow in patience, charitable works, and soberness. Rejoice in your ability to steer away from judgment of others and humbled in the way you carry out your ministry of life!
You are now a graduate, of age, who will make many independent decisions. You will find that life is no longer a child’s institution where there is a teacher, parent, counselor or principal giving foundational directives. You’ll find that your parents’ or guardians’ role will continue to adapt to your maturity, watching with pride as you spread your independent wings.
Continue to feed your heart and soul by surrounding yourself with positive and spiritual people so that your personal growth will abound and astound. We were all created with special gifts from God, each different in skill, tone and temperament.
Each day finely tune, polish and continually search to improve and share the gifts you possess with others.
Every step you take is an opportunity for another to follow. Whether it is a friend, family member, stranger or child you have influential power and God has given you the grace to go and to do what you cannot do on your own.
Look to tomorrow with excitement as you make plans to contribute your best to the world. But today, cherish the gift of the present, protect God’s earth and honor His commandments. Find peace in the quiet, nurture and feed your relationships, and in your own personal garden of life plant and cultivate great seeds of faith.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Intervene Like An Angel
There may have been times you’ve seen someone yanked by the collar to grab another’s attention, witnessed a little girl pulled by the ponytail to get her to respond or stop in her tracks, or watched a shy someone shoved to the front of the line so that they can get their fair share of staples or giveaways. Perhaps our acts may not be so severe but our wrongdoings, offensive actions, ill-mannered or selfish conduct, harsh words, and sour and bent attitudes might sting just as much.
As we know, it is very difficult to force someone to straighten up or open their eyes to truth, to give another hope when they see despair or courage when they only know fear. Most of us have ears and eyes that function, but many of us at times behave as though we are deaf and even blind to moral and righteous behavior, and are far from being a good role model.
Although we all must go forward in our own time, often on our own terms, and grow from our denial or what we know, we can still be an exemplary example and nearby for others offering holy teachings, gentle support, unyielding faith and optimistic encouragement.
If you feel you are perfect or have run out of options for self improvement and ways to offer help to others, your next step would be to fall to your knees, look up humbly, pray and ask, “What would You do Jesus?”
While you search for answers far greater that your own epiphanies, begin by steadfast prayer for others and intervene like an angel when a need arises with compassionate persistence, kind prodding, tender words and loving teachings and deeds. The rest, you can leave to God. Of course, that is, until He gently and lovingly stirs the holy spirit in your heart again.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
What Is Eternity Like?
What is eternity like? Gold lined streets, white billowy clouds, and all the people who have gone before us?
The image of eternity is mystical and spiritual; very different from a literal earth-like place conjured up in our minds. Eternity, in contrast to a picture that can be painted, is a much more sacred and divine union with God than we could ever imagine.
Jesus said, “And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.”
For now, while we are here on earth, we can welcome each day in thanksgiving, humble ourselves when we feel very strong and overly accomplished, and offer our talents, hearts, and capable hands for the service of others. In these ways as we strive to imitate Christ, by the grace of God we might have a peek into our future, our time without end.
Monday, May 21, 2012
You Can Conquer The World
Even though we may sometimes feel alone in our troubles, alienated from our families and friends, or withdrawn from human contact we still may have peace if we know Jesus. How intimately you know Him will reflect in your attitude toward disappointments, the world’s maliciousness and less than righteous ways. Living among mankind you may face many negatives people and circumstances that threaten to rob you of your earthly spirit but if your inner spirit is fed and well rooted you can conquer the world!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
One Of The Most Beautiful Privileges Of My Life
One Of The Most Beautiful Privileges Of My Life
I woke up today, Sunday morning, feeling easy and cheerful. I enjoyed a quiet morning before attending church wondering how my day would play out. I really didn’t have any high expectations of anything extra ordinary because I had not planned anything outside of catch up, errand running, reading and the like. Lesson #1 - Count only on God for extraordinary!
I was now spiritually awake. Sunday Mass was concluding and Monsignor addressed the congregation one last time before the final blessing. However, his news was not about supporting a pancake breakfast or attending a retreat, it was about the grave illness of one of the church’s most senior members. It was then, at that moment, I knew what activities I would be foregoing today and what extraordinary event would take place.
Just hours later, at 3pm, I found myself with a rosary in hand sitting at the bedside of a gravely ill priest waiting for his final moment of mercy, the hour at which he would meet his creator. Fr. Donald Ponthoff has lived 90 years on earth and has given 63 years of them to the Catholic Church as a priest. My history with Rev. Donald Potthoff, Pastor Emeritus (retired priest), has simply been a hand shake at the end of mass as I passed him sitting in a wheel chair in the back row of the pews. There was another occasion just this past year in the church rectory, where I sang to him the “happy birthday song.” Age and illness has slowed him down, however just days ago, he had trouble breathing and he was rushed to the emergency room and was diagnosed with cancer and placed in hospice.
Ironically, just before walking into the St. Jude’s Hospital I read a letter addressed to Monsignor that he shared with the congregation today. The Most Reverend Jose H Gomez wrote in part,
“As priests, we are called to walk with our people – from the time they are born until the time of their death. From their Baptism until their Annointing and final preparation for the journey to everlasting life. This is one of the beautiful privileges that we have as priests of Jesus Christ. Through our pastoral ministry we provide comfort to the dying and consolation to the loved ones they leave behind.”
He closed his letter,
“Please know that you and your ministry are in my prayers every day, and I would be grateful for your prayers for my ministry. I entrust you to the Blessed Virgin Mary. May she help us in all our pastoral efforts to prepare people for the hour of their death and their passing over to their heavenly homeland.”
I walked into Fr. Potthoff’s hospice room and I saw a man who’s body was now tired, listless, ridden with cancer, and he struggled for his next breath. I was moved to tears as I thanked him for his ministry on behalf of all people whose lives he touched. For those who found comfort through his intercession as they sought forgiveness and reconciliation with the Lord. For those who celebrated baptism, confirmation, and marriage. And finally for those he consoled through prayer in times of illness, despair and death.
As I prayed the Divine Mercy Prayer with him and for him, I saw a hint of extra ordinary life. His lower lip worked fervently to recite the familiar holy rosary and his hand gently clentched mine. I believed and felt that the Holy Spirit was there with us and I immediately felt comforted at that intense solemn and sacred moment. Lesson #2 - Holy and sacred moments show themselves in quiet prayer-filled times.
Before I left I asked him if I could take a picture of our hands so that it could be another reminder that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, called to imitate Jesus with acts of love. As I prepared to leave, just like a veneration, there was another parishioner walking in and another in the parking lot who would follow. Also present was a caretaker who was stationed at his side so that he would not be alone. I realized that there are many who give of themselves in many ways, in many circumstances, whether it be in person, in thought and in prayer. Lesson #3 - people are actively caring and doing even when we don't see it.
We all possess a holy spirit inside of us. Follow it when it touches your heart. Choose to be a doer with the gift of your time, a giver with money, a surrenderer in forgiveness, a donor in compassion, a provider of hope, and a bestower of love. Together, let us be inspired every day to do selfless things (our ministry), in Jesus’ name. (Lessons never cease)
Today has been one of the most beautiful privileges of my life.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now at the hour of our death. Amen.
My prayer and blessing today – Rev. Donald Potthoff, Pastor Emeritus – May God grant you great mercy now and at the hour of your death. Amen.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
There's So Much To Look Forward To In Heaven
There’s So Much To Look Forward To In Heaven
On my commute this morning I was engaged in singing a duet with Michael Buble AgAiN! When I arrived at my destination I was so pumped up, happy endorphins jumped ecstatically in my body and I looked up and asked like a little girl, “Dear Lord, can you make that happen for me?”
Minutes later, I read a little snippet of scripture that said in part, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” Then I thought, “Yes!#%&*!!!! If not in this life, then the next! I won’t give up now because all things are possible with God. However, the icing on the cake is that there’s so much to look forward to in heaven!
Friday, April 13, 2012
SOMETHING BORROWED: Wear Your Expression Well
Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important. Jane Lane
We can place much attention into what we wear. We can feel bright in spirit when we wear vibrant clothing and filled with more self esteem when our clothes are properly fitted or new. But what happens when we haven’t done our laundry and dig into the closet and reach for something that is ill-fitted, too worn or tacky.
It’s important to feel at peace within our selves, confident about who we are, self-assured about where we are going, happy about our aura when we walk into a room and attentive to what we project to others. A garment of clothing should not change who we are much less determine what we show on our face. “Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
You Are Special, A Gift And A Masterpiece
You Are Special, A Gift And A Masterpiece
It has often been said of a child and a parent, who have perhaps united for the first time, “You could not deny that child. He looks like you and has your mannerisms.” It’s incredible how we can be like each other but never have spent much or any time together.
We are all created by one God. We are like each other in that we possess a spirit that connects us to God although we are each separate and unique because of our special gifts.
God created His Son Jesus from His spiritual image and in our human image so that we could more intimately relate to and know Him.
Today, seek to connect your human self with your spiritual soul, reaching deep below the surface and into that special place in your spirit where God lives and waits for you.
You are special, a gift and a masterpiece, put here to enhance the world. Your special purpose is to leave a holy legacy.
Make it your spiritual vocation on earth to create a life that reveals a desirable and righteous existence, laced with many layers of labors of love that will live on long after you are gone.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Enjoy This Glorious Easter Day!
Christ has ri-sen, all-lee-lu-jah. Christ has ri-sen, all-l-elu-jah. All-le-lu-jahhhhh, all-le-lu-jahhhhhhh!
Easter is the celebration of the rising of Christ to heaven, which is the foundation of Christianity. We all can have a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. May the world celebrate this incredible miracle of God and may we grow in love, spirit and faith every day of our lives. Enjoy this Glorious Easter Day!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Good Friday What It Means For Me
Good Friday. Set an alarm for 2 times today; one for 12pm and one for 3pm. At 12 stop and pray to Jesus with a heart filled with thankfulness for what He endured for you. Be mindful during the next 3 hours over His agony. Imagine Him hanging from a cross, not uttering a single objection, enduring the most grievous humiliation and pain, while continually praying, “Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do.”
At 3pm, when the alarm sounds, allow your heart to immerse itself into His pain and the giving up of His human spirit. Imagine Him experiencing all this believing in God’s glory, mercy and love.
In order to fulfill the scripture He said, “I am thirsty.” A jar full of sour wine was standing there. So they put a sponge full of the wine on a branch of hyssop and held it to His mouth. When Jesus had received the wine, He said, “It is finished.”
His journey and miracles before people are complete. The end of his pain inflicted by the community is done. The final words for the end of the fulfillment of the scripture to this day have been spoken. His agony, pain and the carrying of His cross is over.
Now, we wait hopefully and faithfully for His resurrection. On Easter Sunday let us celebrate our eternity together. Let us pray, “Thank you Lord, there is a place in heaven waiting for us.”
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Enjoy More Fully Your God Given Gift Of Life
To enjoy more fully your God given gift of life, with care, humility, and openness of heart read from the bible every day. In baby steps or considerable portions reflect in thought or write on new discoveries and revelations. Polish and rejoice in what you already know. Share the lessons, wisdom, and morals out loud and by example with others. Fine tune daily the imperfect words that part from your lips. Routinely practice with your developing holy insight and witness your inner spirit grow. Each day the virtuous attitudes you shape and the moral and upright choices you make in the face of fear, in the presence of normalcy and in the company of the awe and wondrous works of the Lord are what make the God given gift of life a blessing to more fully behold.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Quiet! Be Still!
leaving fear, panic and anxiety nowhere to sit, harbor or fester.
In the quiet and stillness we can find the peace and presence of Jesus. In that peace you will discover all that is positive in your life.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
In This Moment You Have Hope
God did not create you so that you would feel defeated or less than victorious. Forgive yourself the minuscule mistakes, foolish oversights, and grave missteps of yesterday. Unless you are a glutton for punishment, learn from yesterday’s consequences and apply virtuous insight, good sense and abundant love to all you face today. God forgives you and He gave you Jesus to follow. In this very moment you have hope and an opportunity to take advantage of His gift to you!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
A Prayer To Lift My Spirit
Lord, thank you for the blessing of this special day. I know you are part of everything that is good and filled with love. I pray that when I look back at days that robbed me of my joy, illness that took my spirit, or words that scarred my heart, I will be reminded of how you always have and will continue to be with me. I pray to receive Your grace and mercy that provides strength to endure dark days, courage to face my future, and hope that will see me through to my last day. Amen.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
A Mission To Serve And Love
“What is it about this person that attracts so many people?”
We may become curious about another and be swept in the hoopla because of the crowd’s immense interest. A natural human instinct is to be drawn to something bold and magnetic, explosive and powered by overwhelming feelings of veneration and admiration.
However, we can be confused and fooled by something that is negative in nature yet charismatic in reality.
We may not always be able to see right through the excitement at first glance, but when the ruckus settles and the fog over our eyes has lifted, make good decisions based on higher morals and values and support those who’s real mission is to serve and love.
Inspired by Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25
We may become curious about another and be swept in the hoopla because of the crowd’s immense interest. A natural human instinct is to be drawn to something bold and magnetic, explosive and powered by overwhelming feelings of veneration and admiration.
However, we can be confused and fooled by something that is negative in nature yet charismatic in reality.
We may not always be able to see right through the excitement at first glance, but when the ruckus settles and the fog over our eyes has lifted, make good decisions based on higher morals and values and support those who’s real mission is to serve and love.
Inspired by Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25
Friday, January 6, 2012
Live Well With A Strong Spiritual Moral Attitude
Live Well With A Strong Spiritual Moral Attitude
“What in the world is going to make things better?”
How we respond to our trials, trivial matters and triumphs depends on our spiritual moral attitude.
Be well versed in righteousness and live on the side of forgiveness. Have kindness beat rudeness to the tongue. Practice generosity over greed at our hands.
The grace of God, through Jesus’ crucifiction teaches us that we can work through and tolerate our severest hardships and celebrate at any turn in our journey.
Through turmoil and good times we can make our lives better with a strong spiritual moral attitude. Live well today and always.
“What in the world is going to make things better?”
How we respond to our trials, trivial matters and triumphs depends on our spiritual moral attitude.
Be well versed in righteousness and live on the side of forgiveness. Have kindness beat rudeness to the tongue. Practice generosity over greed at our hands.
The grace of God, through Jesus’ crucifiction teaches us that we can work through and tolerate our severest hardships and celebrate at any turn in our journey.
Through turmoil and good times we can make our lives better with a strong spiritual moral attitude. Live well today and always.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
There's Greatness In All Of Us
“How can you do great things, you are not among the elite?”
God uses the humble and often the lowliest of people to do great things. Remain humble in times of scarcity and wealth, grateful even when all consistently works well, be kind and generous and keep your heart and ears open to God’s gifts to you and His calling on your life.
We all have something great to contribute to mankind. Your commission may not seem like fireworks, but the most humble offerings contribute to our Earth’s journey and the grand finale in God’s Kingdom in Heaven.
Inspired by John 1:43-51
God uses the humble and often the lowliest of people to do great things. Remain humble in times of scarcity and wealth, grateful even when all consistently works well, be kind and generous and keep your heart and ears open to God’s gifts to you and His calling on your life.
We all have something great to contribute to mankind. Your commission may not seem like fireworks, but the most humble offerings contribute to our Earth’s journey and the grand finale in God’s Kingdom in Heaven.
Inspired by John 1:43-51
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Come and See Who I Am
“How do I know you are who you say you are?”
Our heart often know instantly that we would care not to spend time with a particular individual or group. However, for those we are curious about, those who radiate goodness, and those who seem extraordinary may be worthy of our time well spent.
Time eventually reveals a true heart, honest feelings, and the sincerity of a soul. Jesus invites all to “Come and see.” Set your sights high. Spend intimate time with Jesus so your heart, soul and spirit will know better who to spend your valuable time with on earth.
Inspired by John 1:35-39
Our heart often know instantly that we would care not to spend time with a particular individual or group. However, for those we are curious about, those who radiate goodness, and those who seem extraordinary may be worthy of our time well spent.
Time eventually reveals a true heart, honest feelings, and the sincerity of a soul. Jesus invites all to “Come and see.” Set your sights high. Spend intimate time with Jesus so your heart, soul and spirit will know better who to spend your valuable time with on earth.
Inspired by John 1:35-39
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Change Your Stance When Its The Right Thing To Do
“I don’t understand why you changed your mind. Just yesterday you were all for this?”
It’s important to decipher whether we are temporarily swept away by an enlivened movement or wowed by a person with a magnetic personality or if it we believe and unite because it is something that hits you right in the gut of your spirit, sets straight your bowed consciousness and persistently pursues at the peace in your soul.
Learn from yesterday’s mistakes, change your stance when its the right thing to do, spend time with people who make you feel forward thinking and take chances that have success written all over them.
Inspired by John 1:29-34
It’s important to decipher whether we are temporarily swept away by an enlivened movement or wowed by a person with a magnetic personality or if it we believe and unite because it is something that hits you right in the gut of your spirit, sets straight your bowed consciousness and persistently pursues at the peace in your soul.
Learn from yesterday’s mistakes, change your stance when its the right thing to do, spend time with people who make you feel forward thinking and take chances that have success written all over them.
Inspired by John 1:29-34
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