Brothers & Sisters In Christ

Brothers & Sisters In Christ

Sunday, June 24, 2012

FOR GREATER GLORY (A Review of the Movie Or A Timely Examination of Faith)

FOR GREATER GLORY (A Review of the Movie Or A Timely Examination of Faith) There is no greater testament to one’s beliefs, works, faith, ethics, values, and worth in life than one that stands “For Greater Glory.” In the human realm, greater glory may be likened to the triumph of an Olympic medalist, the honor of a class valedictorian, the winning of a war of power, or the attainment of what equates to the American dream – a business, materials possessions or house that you can call your own. In the spiritual realm, greater glory is far beyond human comprehension. God’s miraculous creation of the world, of His Son, Jesus’ wondrous Resurrection and the Creator and Holder of Our Eternity is something not easily grasped by the human mind. “For Greater Glory”, the movie and true story, has the ability to cause a nonbeliever to raise one’s eyebrows in bold skepticism or pierce and move a spiritual heart that witnesses the blood of many, and most moving, that of a young child and his tortured limbs as he endures great physical pain and emotional anxiety “For The Greater Glory” of his faith. There is sufficient political dialogue to entertain the atheist and enough biblical subtext to heighten and prod at a believer’s lackluster faith. There is no shortage of ample close ups of driven Mexican rookie and trained soldiers to color the wide screen with compelling performances yet those weary, spirited and faith-filled eyes could easily make a non-practicing Catholic gulp hard. The critics have plenty of vivid and graphic human emotional despair and inhumane killings to keep viewers in their seats and for others a growing temptation to fall to their knees in prayer. Witnessing this inspiring story of how Mexican Catholics stood up courageously in the 1920’s for their faith against government oppression is a must and may pose an intimate question to many. For the cynic, “Why would people fight for a man they’ve never seen?” Or to the awakening, “Why did I not know how precious is my faith and how can I deepen my passion for The Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit that lives perhaps too latent in my soul?” Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of the Catholic Church believes that a large box office showing “will highlight the importance of religious freedom in our country.” Check out “For Greater Glory” and see what the hype is all about. Or plan to see “For Greater Glory”, offering your precious time as a gift to your faith so that you might be educated, inspired, and able to acknowledge, pray and give praise and honor to those who fought and continue to fight for religious freedom around the world. For some, it may be j-u-s-t a movie. For others, perhaps a chance to open our hearts to live “For Greater Glory” too.


THAT FUNNY FEELING INSIDE You may not know what will happen today or tomorrow but it is not God’s plan that you worry. Happen today what may, for there are things you cannot help. But in all that you do remain hopeful, confident, pressing forward with great faith. Know that God is in control and through your trials He is with you and has great blessings waiting at the finish. If you must lay awake, close your eyes, rest your body and count your blessings. Expect goodness rather than anticipate difficulties, imagine healing instead of enduring illness, look forward to success eliminating failure as an option, allow hope to drive your deliberations beyond a dead end, and immerse your thoughts in an aspiration instead of an impending disaster. Refuse to make plans to prepare the heart for trouble. Use your faith to wish the impossible, unite with hope to escape the temptation to doubt, and impart consistent love upon others so that there is no mistake about where your faith lays. Above all, trust in God’s love, for He is with you through the dark and light valleys, desolate and inhabited plains, and unexplored and charted mountains. God can make a rose grow where man can’t. He can provide a safe road where it is unpaved. God can soften hearts to work in your favor when human efforts prove fruitless. Why give clout to a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, when you can be soothed and strengthened by the great elixir of life, Jesus, who came to show that good things come to those who believe! May all your dreams be sweet, your faith be rooted deep, and your heart excited over that funny feeling inside.

Monday, June 11, 2012

A Spiritual Note To The Graduate

A Spiritual Note To The Graduate Graduation is a time of joy, bittersweet tears, and a time you’ll treasure for many years! Through your life you will often reflect on your past. Knowing where you’ve been and mindful of how you continue to grow will shape your bright future. Celebrate today, at this wonderful crossroads of your life, where your past intersects your future and your potential beams and lights the way like a stellar galaxy yet to be discovered. As you walk forward, with your diploma of life thus far, draw on your knowledge, learn from failures and successes and celebrate today aiming higher into tomorrow with confidence as you discover your life’s calling and move toward your aspirations. Take many moments to honor your growth, character and faith, giving thanks when you recognize divine life lessons. Celebrate as you grow in patience, charitable works, and soberness. Rejoice in your ability to steer away from judgment of others and humbled in the way you carry out your ministry of life! You are now a graduate, of age, who will make many independent decisions. You will find that life is no longer a child’s institution where there is a teacher, parent, counselor or principal giving foundational directives. You’ll find that your parents’ or guardians’ role will continue to adapt to your maturity, watching with pride as you spread your independent wings. Continue to feed your heart and soul by surrounding yourself with positive and spiritual people so that your personal growth will abound and astound. We were all created with special gifts from God, each different in skill, tone and temperament. Each day finely tune, polish and continually search to improve and share the gifts you possess with others. Every step you take is an opportunity for another to follow. Whether it is a friend, family member, stranger or child you have influential power and God has given you the grace to go and to do what you cannot do on your own. Look to tomorrow with excitement as you make plans to contribute your best to the world. But today, cherish the gift of the present, protect God’s earth and honor His commandments. Find peace in the quiet, nurture and feed your relationships, and in your own personal garden of life plant and cultivate great seeds of faith. Congratulations!