Brothers & Sisters In Christ

Brothers & Sisters In Christ

Thursday, July 29, 2010

How long must I stay in the quiet?

“Ok, time for bed Cindy. Get under those covers now.” “Mommy, why did Tommy’s mom say that Sarah and Ryan will never change? She said they have no conscience or an ounce of love in their hearts? What does that mean?”

“Honey, you know what Sarah and Ryan did was not right. Why do you think they did it?” “I don’t know. I guess they weren’t thinking very good.” “Well sweetheart, let’s pray that they will one day learn from their mistakes. We must know the rules of good behavior. If we have good morals and values then we can work together so that no one intentionally gets hurt."

"Sometimes listening to our friends and not our hearts can get us into trouble. That’s why you hear people say ‘think before you act.’” “I know when my friend is talking to me, but how will I know when my heart is talking to me,” Cindy innocently asked. “Your heart will ache when you think about doing something wrong and it will rejoice when you have a pleasing thought.”

“I don’t want my heart to ache. How can I stop it from aching,” she asked with great concern. “You can stop your heart from aching by not being afraid to follow the good voice within you.” “Is there really a person with a voice inside me? Does he have a name,” Cindy asked more curiously now.

“There is a voice and it has two names. One is filled with goodness and more powerful than the other. If you ask some they may say that one voice is ‘your conscience’. However, you will never see it, it is often ignored, and we don’t always trust or like it. Some claim to not have one. They know it does not have many friends and it is not well liked most of the time.”

“What is the other voice’s name”, Cindy asked with much interest. “The other voice’s name is very popular and above all other names. People say it everyday without realizing it. Sadly many do not know nor listen to it.” “Is he the good voice?” “Oh yes. His is the good voice. When you listen to Him you will never go wrong. You will always want do the right thing. You will choose good friends. You will always be loved by Him. And when there is trouble He will not leave you.”

“If his is the good voice, then why wouldn’t more people listen to him?” “They haven’t taken the time to get to know Him. ” “Is that all it takes is time,” Cindy asked poignantly. “Yes, that’s all it takes is time. If people stopped from what they are doing, they could go to a quiet place and hear Him at any minute of any day.”

Cindy’s eyes lit up, “I want to hear Him so that I can know Him and be loved. Take me there!” “I can show you the way, but if you want to keep Him in your life it is something I cannot do for you. But you can visit and talk to Him as much as you want.” Cindy smiled and sat up tall ready to go.

“Press the palms of your hands together and place them carefully in front of your heart. Now close your eyes until the world is quiet. It is then that you will hear the “good voice.” You can ask Him questions and if you really listen He will answer you. It pleases Him when you say “thank you” for all the good things in your life. With Him you will learn to smile often. Your heart will jump with delight at the sound of His name because you know Him. He seems to know how to make everything better.”

“How long must I stay in the quiet,” Cindy whispered wanting to do things just right. “It is not the amount of time that you spend there that you should concern yourself with. What’s important is that you trust His voice and will visit and praise Him often.” “How will I know if it is the good voice I’m listening to? What is His name?” “His name is known all over the world. He is the one that created us. When you believe in Him, He will make himself known to you. His name is “God.”

“I know about God. He’s in heaven. Why are you saying he’s inside of me?” “Because God gave everyone His spirit to guide and protect us. It is up to us to get to know Him. Now, more questions tonight honey. Right now, it’s time for you to rest."

"Close your eyes my little angel, and go visit God. He has great plans for you and He wants to talk to you about them. Sweet dreams my little one!”

“Mommy?” “Yes Cindy.” “Can I ask God to change Sarah and Ryan? Maybe they are missing God in their lives.” “I think that’s a great idea baby. Go to sleep now. Good night.” “Good night mommy,” Cindy said with excitement. “Be sure you go and talk to God about his great plans for you and maybe you know someone you can pray for too!”

Standing outside Cindy's bedroom door, her Mommy leaned against the wall, closed her eyes, pressed her palms together carefully in front of her heart, and stood until the world was quiet. With a tear of joy that fell down her cheek she gave praise to God, “Thank you Lord, you did it again. You just answered my prayer.”

Inspired by Jeremiah 18:1-6

The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD: "Come, go down to the potter's house, and there I will let you hear my words." So I went down to the potter's house, and there he was working at his wheel. The vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter's hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as seemed good to him. Then the word of the LORD came to me: "Can I not do with you, O house of Israel, just as this potter has done?" says the LORD. "Just like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel."

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

You bring me joy!

Do you remember “Cracker Jacks?” “That candy coated popcorn peanuts and a prize, that’s what you get in Cracker Jacks!” Are you old enough to remember that catchy jingle? It was the most fun for a child to get one of those slim blue foiled boxes. The box featured a young boy on the front cover wearing a navy blue sailor outfit, a white hat, and at his feet was a little white pooch with a black eye and ear. The box opened on the topside and that wonderful whiff of heavenly popcorn, roasted peanuts, and syrupy sweetness permeated the air. Before the first morsel touched our lips, our happy little fingers moved the candied corn to search for the much anticipated prize. When our excitement was too much to contain, we turned the treat box upside down and scattered its contents all over the tabletop. There hidden among the clusters of chewy paradise was an itty bitty prize packet that housed a tattoo, stickers, a little ring, whistles, watches, spinning tops, miniature joke books, and even a hologram. It sounds kind of silly now, doesn’t it? How that little box brought such joy to a young heart! Maybe it isn’t so silly that something so simple, readily available, and uncomplicated could bring such happiness to one’s life. Today, what brings joy to your heart? What fills your being with life?

We search for material and tangible things in life to realize a dream, give us temporary relief from stresses, or a much needed break in our daily routine. Although trivial, we may even think that a ride in an open convertible, front row seats to a concert, singing in the shower, a vacation to Europe, a night out on the town, or a yummy piece of cake are joys close to our hearts! Yes these are exciting and delectable things that are pleasing to our minds, spirits and senses, but what do they fix or satisfy? When the vacation is over, the hangover from the weekend sets in, and the cake calories and fat have gone to our hips and tummy, what is it that we still desire to make us happy?

As we mature in age, experiences and thoughts, our idea of “joy” takes on a different level of emotion and we are filled with thoughts of the many wonderful blessings in our lives. It may be the thought of our grandchildren, or the fact that we have our sick spouse or loved one with us one more precious day. What was important yesterday may seem suddenly trivial when we put things into a deeper and perhaps more proper perspective. However, we must go through these growing periods in our lives to reach our ultimate maturity.

As we gain more wisdom during this prime of our life, we are more mindful of the many circumstances that would more deeply bring a smile to one’s face, satisfy a spirit that may feel void, or that might make warm a cold place in the heart. However, even the most delightful thing we’ve experienced is not necessarily our most ultimate feeling of joy.

Since we've poured much of our selves into earthly things, we've ignored a special area in our lives that is likely untapped and highly underexplored. It is simple, uncomplicated and readily available to each one of us and it has the potential to bring so much joy that our cup would runneth over!

Jesus lived, died, and rose to prove to us that within Him holds the mysterious answer to life's joy, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.” Heaven is our ultimate gift of joy! Jesus' life depicted the passion and provided the excitement and hope for our heavenly kingdom. It is our future home and that place that we should be seeking now to fulfill our hearts! Perhaps our lives have been too busy to wrap our brains around this one! Nor have we ever really connected our earthly spirit to our holy one. However, today is a new day filled with opportunities for new enlightening choices!

You will find that on that one day, at that one special moment when you do make the hope of the kingdom of heaven your personal delight and wonder, your joy of the love of the Lord and all that He promises will overtake you, and your gladness for your future will fill every nook and cranny of your being, and your cup will truly runneth over.

Accept this unique and joyful treasure as part of what brings you peace and joy in your daily life. Choose to see it as part of you. Sleep soundly at night because it is yours. Train your lips so that you will speak encouragingly about it to others. Discipline your hands so that one day you might touch it. Know that you’ll experience a love beyond what any human can provide. Be comforted in knowing there is an incredible support system and love beyond measure within the hope of that treasure. Perfect your new mindset and prepare your heart for your future. And believe, with the grace of God, when He has called you home, and you’ve finally set your feet upon the holy ground, you will know the greatest pleasure, and in that thrill beyond anything you could imagine, “true and pure joy” will be yours forever!

You bring me joy, Oh Lord! In You, is where I seek my happiness! Inspired by Mathew 13:44-46 Jesus said to the disciples, "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.”

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

God is waiting for you to thrive!

You live on holy soil. Fertilize the ground you walk on with steadfast faith.

You are a worthy seed of the earth. It is up to you to dig deep your good and just roots so that you produce the greatest of shrubs, trees, and flowers.

Your harvest was designed to flourish and failure was not part of the plan. Set your eyes on what is yours and train your hands to nurture the expected harvest.

Your crops require discerning cultivators to yield bountiful returns. Be the example that others are drawn to emulate.

Your spirit is the water and sunshine that the earth needs to grow. Use your freedom of spirit to nourish the earth see how God’s grace is abundant and apparent in your life.

Cultivate and till your life regularly so your yield will be plentiful. Then smile and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

God is waiting for you to thrive!

Inspired by Matthew 12:31-32

Jesus put before them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Journey with the Saints

We are but travelers on a journey without as yet a fixed abode; we are on our way, not yet in our native land; we are in a state of longing, but not yet of enjoyment. But let us continue on our way . . . so that we may ultimately arive at our destination.

-St. Augustine (4/3 calendar)

I am every day more convinced that happiness in heaven is for those who know how to be happy on earth.

-St. Josemaria Escriva (4/4 calendar)

As the Lord's sheep, let us set out for those pastures where we shall keep joyful festival with so many of our fellow citizens . . . Let us stir up our hearts, rekindle our faith, and long eagerly for what heaven has in store for us.

-St. Gregory the Great

Resolve from now on to keep heaven before your mind, to be ready to forego everything that can hinder you or cause you to stray on your journey there.

-St. Francis de Sales

The best part of waking up . . .

The best part of waking up . . .

In whom do I trust?

“How can I trust you, all you do is lie?” “I don’t know who to count on. Even my own family has turned against me.” “Mommy, should I trust Grandpa? Will he hurt me again?” “I can’t help feeling skeptical. Everywhere I turn someone is only thinking of himself.” “Give me your vote. The other candidates are not trustworthy.” “I want to trust you. But how will I know you will not hurt me again?” “Listen to me. How many times do I have to ask you to trust me?” “I know I’ve failed you before, but you can depend on me this time.”

He shall rely upon his family, but it shall not last (Job 8:15).

On the dollar bill it reads, “In God We Trust.” It is interesting to note that men of the United States, the very ones who deemed themselves founders of a great nation, once thought that such a proclamation was so important that they printed it on currency that would eventually monopolize our trade and commerce, rule and have power over the elite and rich to the poorest and pitiful, govern the world, local economy, schools and workplaces, dominate past, present and future ranks of working generations, and have power and control over our inept and cruel social scales and status. Of course in a different era, this same governing assembly along with a cast of millions of citizens, have worked to remove God from our workplace and schools, thereby relying on man’s judgment for what is just and right to suit our greed, power and control.

This infamous printing of “In God We Trust” on our currency passes mindlessly through our hands every day as does perhaps our “Spiritual Trust In God.” However, today it might well serve as an incredible reminder that “Trust in God” is something that will touch us deeply and will profoundly bid us to change our lives. With each dollar spent and each conscious moral decision made we might be reminded that our dependence for our everyday living should not lean toward each other but rather rest in our “Trust in God.” As a mass of people, a family large or small, a couple or individual, we must ask ourselves in the name of deep meditative spirituality, “When and how do we live with ‘Trust in God?’”

Even in times of our greatest trials, do we really trust in our Creator? Do we only trust when the good ending has been revealed or do we lose hope when the hard to believe result has jolted us? When the surgery is finally over and the doctor comes to announce that all has gone well or amiss, is this when we breathe a sigh of relief or scream in defeat with painstaking grief? Do we believe that God has it out for us or that He has a greater plan when we must adapt to change, are forced to move, lose our home, our job or a loved one? Do we gripe, swear and disown our Lord or do we have faith that money or help will be there when our cupboards are bare and hunger pangs are great? Do we believe that the hiccups in our lives are just the devil at work or will we view life’s setbacks as our wake up call to see the greater powers of God? Do we speak and live without faith or do we hold steadfast with our belief in Jesus’ resurrection and God’s promise for eternity?

If you don’t know your God and trust in Him, you’d better decide “LiKe NoW” to join this holy crusade or risk scalding! God promised Israel He would not let the flames of life consume them! Would He not do the same for us who claim to believe in Him? Do you wholeheartedly and unequivocally believe and trust that God is your rock and salvation?

Okay . . . We are waiting for you . . . We want to wait . . . No, we don’t have better things to do. Have you decided yet? What? Uhhhhh, can’t hear you so well. No, no, no. Don’t cast those eyes down and certainly don’t look away. You have pretty eye lashes, however, your focus needs to be here . . . Look up – it’s only text – My God help this person - this is not a face to face confession with one’s neighbor (isn’t that what got up in trouble in the first place? Just say’n . . .). The question is “Do you trust in God?” I know it hard. I get it. This might be the first time you are facing and really seeing God. If you say, “I trust in Him” this means you have to change. Yeah, well, there are worse things in life. You can remain as you are and stay stuck, blind and your own mindset or that of others shall devour you.

Maybe we need an image to get good concentration going. I’ve got an idea. Look at a picture of Jesus. It’s the closest visual you’ll get of God without dying. Go ahead, get a picture of Him. We’ll give you time . . . You don’t have a picture, o-k-a-y . . . get a crucifix, bible, figurine, a rosary? You must have something. Oh, you are not at home. Well okay, close your eyes and picture Jesus. When you can see Him --- and can no longer deny Him --- offer your complete trust --- then . . . open your new eyes.

* * * * * * * * * *

Oh dear Lord doesn’t this make you happy! Look at all the believers! There is hope, t-h-e-r-e is h-o-p-e!! There is . . .! Oh, sorry, I got carried away. Where were we? Oh yes. Now that you’ve given birth to trust far beyond yourself, hold on for the ride of your life! God has great plans for you!

I can hear you. It’s coming out! “Wake up world! Uhm, uhm, uhm. Don’t tell me it gloomy outside. Oh, no. It’s a beautiful day that the Lord has made. And I smell the aroma of heaven in my coffee cup! Ohhh, that first steaming gulp fills me with a renewed freshly brewed attitude. Yessssss! I feel the caffeine-like effect of God’s love infiltrating my sleepy veins. Sluuuuurp. Hmmmmmmm! I can see my life is already transforming! The rich aroma from my cup has wonderful hints of hope, peace and love. I relish this savory moment and heavenly taste, and I realize that I have never had a more wonderful blend of ‘faith infused java’”.
“I must have been crazy, how could I not know You Lord. How could I give You up when You make me feel so good? I am addicted to You through my active faith and reverent prayer. My heart is overwhelmed and pulsates wildly when I seek you first and see your merciful and generous hand in my life. I am drawn to Your unselfish love and comforted by Your healing power and grace. You have a wonderful effect on my attitude and my life.”

Recall this fabulous moment of eye opening self revelation when life’s struggles and harmful attitudes disturb your peace. Close your eyes and breathe deep until you can recall and enjoy that satisfying fragrance, gratifying emotions, and fulfilling feelings you’ve come to know through your “Trust in God.” Don’t stop there! Research your “holy coffee beans” folks. Pick up your bible and read it, go to church, volunteer to help someone or a group in need, and give God your troubles. See what God does for you and then do your part. Find out what moves you, stirs your soul, feeds your spirit and awakens your heart. Cup your trusting hands around God’s Fatherly promise of care and love.

When we trust in the Holy One present among us, we joyfully and expectantly prepare ourselves for higher heights. And much satisfaction can be experienced in each mindful sip from the cup of life. For with this supreme blend, each serving can be as savory as, or even more fulfilling than the last.

Nothing can bring you down! Yes, I hear you now, go with it! “Traffic #@&* on the road? Huh! It just gives me more quiet time to myself for prayer for others, praise to God, singing with a joyful heart and good thoughts for all mankind.” “An angered co-worker? Agh! I won’t get sucked in. I refuse! I’ll turn a frown into a smile, have less wrinkles on my forehead, and hallelujah have lower blood pressure!” “A screaming baby? Whatever! I am blessed to have a child with lungs and who can communicate “nonsense or a need. What do you need honey? Mommy (or “Daddy” as the case may be) is going to make it all better. Excuse me sir, can you add some chamomile to my tea or a shot of vodka would do (is it 12 o’clock yet?). By any chance do you carry earplugs?”

The more we call on God the more He is present in our lives. The best part of waking up is “trusting the Lord” to fill your cup.

Inspired by: Hosea 11:1-4; 8-9

When Israel was a child I loved him, out of Egypt I call my son. The more I call them, the farther they went from me, sacrificing to the Baals and burning incense to idols.
Yet it was I who taught Ephriam to walk, who took them in my arms; I drew them with human cords, with bands of love, I fostered them like one who raises an infant to his cheeks; Yet, though I stooped to feed my child, they did not know that I was their healer.

How could I give you up, O Ephraim, or deliver you up, O Israel? How could I treat you as Admah, or make you like Zeboiim? My heart is overwhelmed, my pity is stirred. I will not give vent to my blazing anger, I will not destroy Ephraim again;

For I am God and not man,The Holy One present among you; I will not let the flames consume you.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

An ordinary person with an extraordinary life.

An ordinary person with an extraordinary life.

I am ordinary in the eyes of most people and not viewed as special in the monarchy of society. I do not have a face that is striking and unforgettable nor do I possess features that would be sought after for the cover of magazines. I am not wealthy beyond imagination or hold possessions only dreamed of.

However, I believe I am extraordinary and my creation has great purpose and value. My name is celebrated among the elite and my life rich beyond measure. I will continually seek and hold dear a special peace that brings life to my simple existence.

Thank You Lord, Jesus Christ, for being an inspiration and a holy model that I can imitate. Thank You for being an instrument of glorious peace that I can draw from always and share its worth with others. It is through You I have come to know God and His great love for me. And it is because of You that I will love when loved, and even more when I am rejected.
I am simple, ordinary and am content to remain in this unadorned way. I believe I have a special place and part to contribute to this world, and I will move foward eagerly one step at a time toward a divine path laid out before me.

I am an ordinary person with an extraordinary life.


Inspired by my Birth Day and Matthew 10:1-7

Then Jesus summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to cure every disease and every sickness. These are the names of the twelve apostles; first Simon, also known as Peter, and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; Phillip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Cananaean, and Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed him. These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: "Go nowhere among the Gentiles, and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Isreal. As you go, proclaim the good news, 'The kingdom of heaven has come near.'"