Brothers & Sisters In Christ

Brothers & Sisters In Christ

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Truth Of The Emotions Of The Heart

Your heart speaks to you. It recognizes piercing pain from the loss of a loved one. It rejoices in gratefulness over the gift of an incredible deed. It stings when we are dead wrong. Be accepting of the truth. Through your life enjoy all the emotions of the heart. it's a touching, emotive, up and down & stirring experience you shouldn't miss.

Happy Butterfies And The Warm And Fuzzies

Your gut speaks to you. It knows when you are trying to work around the system, make defenses for bad eating habits, or excuses to absolve laziness. Give your internal intuition a break and a refreshing gift. Today inspire energy, optimism, confidence and a "can do" attitude. Experience happy butterflies, the warm and fuzzies and peace within.

Celebrate Your Progress

We are our own worst enemy. We are our own best ally. Be a good friend to yourself, quick to forgive a step backward, swift to recover and move forward and instantaneous at celebrating your progress. Today is going to be a great day!

Stand Up To Injustice

"I'm not going against the crowd. I'm going to do what they're doing!" "All of you need to stop. He's right. We are being unfair."

Making a stand against injustice is on its face difficult. The reward is the broken heart you spare, the spirit you save, and the positive change that you are a part of. Change the world one good deed at a time.

Inspired by Luke 9:46-48

The Heart Knows

"I'll go to my grave before I speak to that man again!" "It doesn't feel good when were not talking. Let's talk so that we really understand where we went wrong."

On occasion we can agree to disagree. At times have an intelligent discussion. When it's important enough we must stand our ground. Your heart always knows which is right.

Inspired by Luke 9:57-62

Write Your Masterpiece

"They deserve more than a slap on the wrist. They destroyed all your work!" "They did me a favor. My next round is going to be better than the last!"

Humans can hinder progress with flat notes of jealousy, anger and resentment. It may not be worth the time spent to try to change their tune. Spend your valuable time where it counts. You have a beautiful life, your masterpiece to write. Plan on . . . one happy noted at a time.

The Most Virtuous of All Morals and Values

Rash decision or not, I’m standing by mine. But I am curious about what others are doing.” My decision may not be the best. I will listen. I’m not too proud to change and do the right thing.”

Even the strongest of rulers who killed people to stay in control was curious about Jesus and sought Him out. When you are tempted to be sway always consider the most virtuous of all morals and values. Then go where your spirit leads you.
Inspired by Luke 9:18-22

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

For Those Who Have, More Will Be Given

"Yeah, I had a good break. And then everything fell apart. Life sucks!" "Life was good then things changed unexpectedly. I'm not fretting, God has something greater in store for me."

Sharing our feelings about what God has done in our life shows traits of a faithful follower. Believing that greater things are in store when life seems dark is a great disciple. Share the great light in you with others. For those who have, more will be given!

Inspired by Luke 8:16-18

We Can Do the "Will of God"

"I can't believe you are my child. You disappoint me!" "You can choose to do what you will. But I pray that together we can do "the will of God."

Jesus showed us that our best acquaintances and family are those who do the "will of God." Surround yourself with those whom you admire. It's probable that they are God's light on earth for you.

Friday, September 16, 2011

"I won't pay until they sue me. Let's see how far they'll go." "I know that it was my fault. I"ll do whatever it takes to make it right."

Whether we admit our wrongs out loud or not, God knows the truth. On earth God gave us Jesus Christ so that we may know right from wrong and we can choose to repay another accordingly. Spirtually God can forgive and a debt can be repaid with a simple prayer and a sincere heart.

Inspired by 1 Timothy :1-7

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Blessed Transformation

“A year was enough. I can’t stand to be married to him anymore.” “We work together to find the middle ground and at the end of the day we’ve served each other as best we could."

Before you say “I do,” be sure you are willing to not live for “self.” If your already invested, but for the wrong reason, pray for YOUR OWN blessed transformation. With God all things are possible.

Inspired by Matthew 19:3-11

Love and Service To Others

“I don’t need you. I have a car, a job and a life.” “I am happier living frugally and so grateful for the people in my life.

Inspired by John 12:24-26

Material things can’t give what sustains the heart. Turn your ambitious energy to success and wealth in love and service to others.

Forgive and Inspire Peace

“I’m only forgiving you because you are my brother.” “It’s sometimes very hard to forgive my brother, but I do. Jesus forgives me every day.

Over and over again, it seems some people keep making the same stupid mistakes, nasty remarks, unashamed blunders. Those people one day will suffer the repercussions of their actions. It is not for us to hold sins against them, but rather to forgive and inspire peace.

Inspired by Matthew 18:21-22

The Wealth of Our Spirit

“I don’t care who I step on. I want what I want!” “I’m living today with a heart that feels blessed. Anything else is icing on the cake.”

We can get caught up on material things and think we couldn’t do without. The Lord has made us humans in Jesus’ glorious image. Let us become intimate with all that God has created so that we may truly enjoy our beauty inside and the wealth of our spirit. Inspired by Luke 1:46-55

I Want To Help

“Why did he receive more money than me? You shouldn’t treat us different.” “Thank you. What you’ve given me is a blessing.”

Money can bring out the greed in human nature. Just as God gives us all different gifts at different times, so we too can bless anther as our heart sees a need or desires to be generous.

Inspired by Matthew 20:1-16
“I’m not wearing that stupid shirt. I’d rather not work there.” “The shirt was not my favorite color (haha), but I wore it anyway. Who knew the boss would give a huge bonus to all who participated!”

God’s graces and gifts reveal themselves in the most unique and unusual situations. Don’t pass on your blessings!

Inspired by Matthew 22:1-2, 8-14

Little Things Matter

“Why pray for you? You’ll never change.” “I pray each night that you’ll recognize God’s gifts to you. You are a gift to me and I love you.”

Inspired by 1 Thessalonians 1:2-5, 8

We have all performed works of faith, labors of love and felt steadfast hope. Acknowledge the little things in one another for they can be equally great to a little one or the masses.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I Am A Victor

I Am A Victor

“How can I be happy? Nothing is going my way!” Or:

It may have been the worst of times, but I never lost faith! And as usual God made me a victor!

Through good, bad or indifferent times know that God is with you. He sent His Son to show you that when the earth crumbles beneath you, Jesus will carry you to solid ground if you let Him.

Inspired by Luke 24:13-19, 25-29

Good Works Say It All

Good Works Say It All

Will it be: “I don’t care that he’s doing good, I don’t like his looks.” Or: “Look at what he’s done for people. He may not be popular but he is a gift from God.”

Be a good teacher, mentor and above all a faithful follower of Christ. Your good works will say more about you than your looks, social status or other’s opinions.

Inspired by John 10:31-38

Hands of Love

Hands of Love

“I just kick back. She does everything for me.” “I don’t expect anything in return. As best I can I try to do for her.”

Jesus washed the feet of the apostles setting an example of service. With your able hands go in love to serve the Lord and one another. Your reward will be in a thankful tear, heartfelt smile, and a lifted spirit.

Inspired by John 13:2-15