Brothers & Sisters In Christ

Brothers & Sisters In Christ

Monday, August 17, 2009

My Ship Has Just Come In!

My Ship Has Just Come In!

God has raised His holy sails and sent His eminent vessel out into the vast ocean on an amazing journey to bring blessings to you! He has planned ahead and has allocated for your prosperity and your affluence in this world. It is with great forethought that He has arranged for your material and worldly goods and the treasures that will be yours in abundance.

He has deliberately worked and arranged through the circumstances of many lives to touch yours. You undoubtedly have had and will continue to have experiences that lead you down many unpleasant, mildly interesting, challenging and exceptional paths. How you prime yourself daily for your journey through life, will give you the tools to respond effectively to rise above unscathed and one day actually enjoy your storms or hiccups, bumpy rides and the calm after the downpour. What lies ahead in your horizon is unclear, but your faith and hope should be unmistakable.

Through a multitude of experiences of many people, God is deliberately working to move mountains for you. He uses situations in your life and plays them off others all for mutual benefit. Someone else’s loss of a job may be your gain of a promotion. A personal financial misfortune of one may be your unbelievable purchase of a house you never thought you’d have. You may be the recipient of a long awaited organ received through an incredible healthy donor. Dinner tonight could be paid for by the $100 bill you found walking to your car.

On the flip side, you may feel unloved, abandoned, rejected, deserted, walked out on, forsaken, left behind, or even forgotten because of your dire circumstances. You may envy the blessing of the birth of a perfect child while yours lay in an incubator fighting for its life. You might resent the person who abuses their elderly parent while you’ve lived a life without yours. You may feel bitter about someone buying a new car, while yours sits on the driveway because you cannot afford to fix it.

God is an on-time God. He will give you what you need when you need it, and not what you want when you want it! However, we live in an instant gratification world. We get it when we want it, and if we can’t have it we finance it, borrow, and sadly sometimes even steal it. You may have heard people say that they have never been happier than when they were the poorest and humbled. Get on board now people, re-evaluate your priorities and decide what’s important and what’s not. Don’t wait to be humbled to call on your faith with God.

Our sour and negative attitude is a l-i-t-t-l-e something that could perhaps work a tad bit against us. One might respond to the news of a well-off man winning the lotto, “Well that stinks. Why him? He doesn’t need it. Why couldn’t I win it. I could sure use a mansion, a maid, a couple of cool cars, new clothes and a satchel of jewelry. I could really think of ways to put that money to use.” A man (or woman) may squander all his money on foolish material things and one day he would have nothing left and what’s more, never shared it. We are called to share our abundant blessings with others and not to squander it. Apparently there are not a whole lot of us that God can entrust with such sums of money! What would you do if you won the lotto?
We cop many kinds of cynical and hostile attitudes, such as, “I’ll believe it when I see it”, and “You can’t tell me that God is going to get my house paid off, when I can barely afford to put food on the table.” Do you think you can kill a blessing with an attitude like that? Duh!!!

You’ve heard or may have said this many times before in your life, “All things happen for a reason.” It is not for you to understand why things go as they do, it will never make sense. However, it is assuredly God’s plan and desire for you to believe that you are in fact an heir of His great love, mercy and abundant graces.

There are many gifts waiting for you to come at the proper time in your life. What are you doing with that time? How do you intend to wait for your promised blessings? Could a new attitude open the floodgates that hold back your holy flow? What will you see if you remove the sinister blinders from your eyes? Are your ears trained to hear God’s direction? Are there layers of pessimistic thoughts that should be shed so that God can touch you? How can you perfect your vocabulary so that God’s words are the first to roll off your tongue rather than last and in desperation? What ingredients can you blend together to enhance the flavor of your existence, give tang to your being, and savor the experience of the gift of life?

Rid yourself of negative thoughts that hinder a positive outlook. Stop being your own encumbrance. Get yourself out of your way and don’t delay or prevent the progress of good things that are in store for you.

Veto all things that thwart your growth. Remember you are in a very special partnership with God. You have got to do your part so He can do His. Be brave and give yourself permission to move forward in bold faith and audacious confidence so that you may begin to enjoy life now while waiting to receive your just reward.

Begin to develop a better eye for ways to make progressive decisions for things that need improving in your life. But don’t stop at simple utterances. You’ve got to elevate your spirit onto higher ground and lift it up beyond just words. God is not impressed by the decisions we make, but rather by our trust and faith in Him which leads us to respond with confidence in our ACTIONS!!! Put noble WORKS behind your first-class words and watch how the course of life will begin to move in the divine direction set out for you.

So the good life is coming and you are ready! Yes, that’s it! Living like it’s already here! You have an eternal radiant light inside you that is powered by your faith so bright that God knows you are not sleeping. You are a gifted watchman (or woman) who is protecting your personal sacred channel by embracing with hope the promises that God gives you that will ultimately connect you to His abounding graces.

God has a divine vessel full of gifts, don’t delay the delivery, cover all angles and put a great big sign visible from the bow (front), stern (back), port (left) and starboard (right) of your waiting ship that says, “this receiving dock is open 24/7, bring it on anytime Lord! I am ready for my ration, portion, share, and my lot in life that has been designed for me and blessed by You. Thank you dear Lord for your love. I have confidence that no matter the weather, You will bless me with eyes that could see through the thickest fog, so that I am able to recognize and proclaim humbly, “Thank you Dear Lord, my ship has just come in!”

Inspired by:

Luke1:12-15 18-20

Zechariah was troubled by what he saw, and fear came upon him. “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, because your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall name him John. And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, for he will be great in the sight of the Lord.”

Then Zechariah said to the angel, “How shall I know this? For I am old man, and my wife is advanced in years.” And the angel said to him in reply, “I am Gabriel, who stands before God. I was sent to speak to you and to announce to you this good news. But now you will be speechless and unable to talk until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled at their proper time.”

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